I love traveling! Every chance I get I'm up!
PimpingYourSpace.com Rules!
Interesting, fun people who's interested in meeting me!
Hip Hop and R&B!
Anything that stars Denzel Washington or Samual L Jackson. The Negotiator is my favorite movie.
I watch the news ALOT! I try to stay informed on what's going down in my city as well as whats going on in this dog eat dog world. Oh, and Wild N Out is in my top now too.
Ris forResponsible
Eis forExtraordinary
Eis forEnjoyable
Cis forCalm
Iis forImpressive
Eis forExplosive
What Does Your Name Mean?
The Coldest Winter Ever and A Hustler's Wife. (When I say get gutta it's enough said...)
My mom, who passed away 5 years ago. She was a very strong woman that held it down as a single parent. BIG UPS TO YOU! LOVE YAH ALWAYS AND FOREVER! I'm TRYING to walking in those BIG foot steps. :-)