Brad The Cripple profile picture

Brad The Cripple

Sorry, I am not a chubby chaser - NO FAT BITCHES!

About Me

5'8, slim, short light brown hair, hazel eyes...enjoys the outdoors when possible

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Every Tuesday at 8pmET, check out Brad The Cripple's internet talk show. The one-hour weekly show streams LIVE taking your calls, performing guest interviews, song parodies, prank calls and more - uncensored.
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Call-In: 215-253-5941

Missed the show?? Listen every weekday morning at 6amET/PT and every weekday evening at 8pmET for encores of Brad The Cripple's radio show.

My Interests

swimming, weight lifting, laying on the couch and hiking

I'd like to meet:

a girl who's athletic, adventurous type that won't push me around


swing, big band and anything i can dance to


Dead Man Walking, Walking Tall, Forrest Gump


The Simpsons, and Iron Side


anything pornographic


christopher walken and christopher reeves