Roller Blading/Skating, Bowling, Reading, Handball, Football, Basketball, Walking, Theater, Comedy Shows, Concerts, Physical Fitness, etc.
The owner of a beautiful island who offers me unlimited access, The person who will cast me in the role that will catapult my very successful and lucrative acting career, The person who...I'll get back to you on that one table table table td.text div { background-image:url("L O V E I S P A I N");
I enjoy all types of Music.
Mystery, Comedy, Horror, Documentaries, Action, etc.
News, Comedy, Sit-Coms, Reality, Home Decorating, Cooking, etc.
Fiction, Non-Fiction, Mystery, Horror, etc.
Great Parents, Teachers, and People who share knowledge and maps to Success.
At This Rate, Can You Count How Many Days Have Gone By?
...Or Would You Remember What Happened?
Speeding Is A Crime. Slow Down, Live Life.
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