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James Beverley

I have enjoyed life a lot more by saying 'yes' than by saying 'no'. - Sir Richard Branson

About Me

Welcome to my page. I am, in chronological order:
A former guitarist for the band Mr. Nobody / the original president of the Anthony Burgess Literary Society / the holder of a degree in Applied Math & Computer Science / a former model with the COSMO/Casablancas Modeling Agency...

/ and a master of ceremonies and stand-up comedian (for my former employer's Christmas party for eight years).
I once appeared on stage in drag portraying Madonna's character from the film Dick Tracy and lip-synced and danced to a song from the soundtrack accompanied by my female back-up singers, the Dickless Tracys, and I eventually lost two toenails because of the high heels, and, well, it's a long story...
I am responsible for the creation of an entirely new human being from scratch, and this stands as my proudest achievement to date! (Okay, so I had some help.)
Finally, in 2005, I ended my long "dual-citizenship" between Florida and Kentucky when I sold my beach condo to concentrate on my work here in Louisville. I do still get down to South Beach every year - usually over Christmas/New Year's - and plan to move there for good as soon as my work here ends because I sometimes feel like the proverbial fish-out-of-water in the Midwest and there's a LOT of water in Miami! (In the meantime, if you know anyone in South Florida who could use a good Info Tech guy - who can also host their holiday parties! - send 'em my way.)
"Home is not where you live but where they understand you." - Christian Morgenstern

If you've ever seen Claude Lelouch's 9-minute film Rendezvous, this is the exact route his speeding Ferrari took that Sunday at dawn through the awakening streets of Paris - as he tried desperately to get to his wife - in just over eight minutes! Très impressionnant, n'est-ce pas?...

From H.L. Mencken...

My Interests

Actress/model Mena Suvari

No, wait, I meant to say: Anything automobile-related, especially Porsches and BMW's / music (details below) / film (likewise) / hanging out in dance clubs...

/ hanging out in cool restaurants and hotels / red wine, especially Pinot Noir / Champagne...

/ pasta dishes / artful pizzas / seafood...

/ doing this...

/ beaches in general / the French Caribbean in particular...

/ people who laugh, love and live - people who dance, sing and joke - people who think, consider and question - people who pay attention to life - people who like a lot of different stuff and aren't afraid to try out even more new stuff - people who like manual transmissions - women with bangs - palm trees - balconies - neon lights - the color red - women without bangs - little, black cocktail dresses with spaghetti straps and the women who wear them - and, finally, people who never yawn because they're never bored or tired! Also, models. (Okay, so I had to get Mena in there somewhere.)

Favorite place in the US: South Beach, Miami...

Favorite place in the world: St. Barths, French West Indies...

Favorite places in the world I've not yet been to: Monaco, Ibiza and Barcelona.

I'd like to meet:

Mena Suvari


From the '60's: the Beatles / CCR / the Doors.

From the '70's: Black Sabbath / Debbie Harry and Blondie...

/ the Boomtown Rats / Walter Carlos / the Clash...

/ Elvis Costello / ELP...

/ Jethro Tull / King Crimson...

/ Kraftwerk / Nick Lowe / Patrick Moraz / Pink Floyd / Plastic Bertrand's 'Ça Plane Pour Moi' / the Ramones...

/ the Sex Pistols / Tangerine Dream / Yes.

From the '80's: the Beastie Boys...

/ the Cars / the Dead Kennedys / Dead or Alive / Def Leppard / Madonna / New Order / the Psychedelic Furs / the Pursuit of Happiness.

From the '90's: Bad Religion / Deep Forest / Dimitri from Paris / Enigma / Garbage / Information Society / NIN...

/ Nirvana / Prodigy / the Refreshments / 2 Unlimited.

From the '00's: Daft Punk / Fischerspooner / Fountains of Wayne / Gorillaz / Green Day...

/ Sigur Ros / the Strokes.

From any decade: the Rolling Stones...

/ Warren Zevon, RIP.


Chronologically: Intolerance / Charlie Chaplin / the Marx Brothers / The Court Jester / Paths of Glory / La Jetée / An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge / Contempt...

/ Kubrick's Golden Trilogy - Dr. Strangelove, 2001: A Space Odyssey and, especially, A Clockwork Orange...

/ A Hard Day's Night / Blow-Up...

/ The Graduate / Bonnie and Clyde / Bedazzled (1967) / If... / Night of the Living Dead (1968) / Easy Rider / The Magic Christian / Gimme Shelter / Slaughterhouse-Five / Deliverance / Swept Away (1974)...

/ Blazing Saddles / Monty Python and the Holy Grail / Love and Death / Carrie (1976) / Taxi Driver / Annie Hall / Dawn of the Dead (1978) / S.O.B. / Re-Animator / Ferris Bueller's Day Off / Leon: The Professional / American Beauty...

/ The Insider / Magnolia / Eyes Wide Shut / Memento / Fight Club / High Fidelity / Timecode / Sideways / Also, automotively speaking - Grand Prix, Le Mans, Two-Lane Blacktop, and Claude Lelouch's 9-minute epic (C'etait un) Rendezvous...

/ And, finally, anything, and I mean absolutely anything, with Brigitte Bardot...


The Independent Film Channel / Bill Maher / Jon Stewart / Stephen Colbert / MXC / Formula 1 motorsports...

/ and the greatest television program ever conceived by sentient beings: the Style channel's Fashiontrance...

- Achingly beautiful women with major attitude in sexy clothing smugly strutting down a runway while over-amplified trance music throbs away provocatively and relentlessly in the background. I ask you: What more could anyone possibly want out of life??


Anthony Burgess / George Orwell / Gore Vidal / Terry Southern / Samuel Beckett / Joseph Heller / Hunter S. Thompson / Harlan Ellison / Richard Matheson / Philip Jose Farmer / Kilgore Trout


Mena Suvari

Also, photographers (like Daniela Federici here) and their models (like Olga Lebedeva and Michele Pommier here) for pictures like these...

My Blog

My Profile FAQ

Q. Why is there so little information about your family on your profile? You mention being married and having a child, but you don't say very much about them. There aren't even any pictures of them un...
Posted by James Beverley on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 09:48:00 PST

Running Off at the Mind

____________________________________________________________ ________ "THE ULTIMATE QUESTION" Q.  Ginger or Mary Ann?A.  A classic question with an easy answer:  Both.  At the same ...
Posted by James Beverley on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 09:27:00 PST

The Survey to End All Surveys

If you love those ubiquitous e-mailed surveys you're supposed to fill out and then forward to your friends as much as I do, then you don't!  If for some demented reason you ever feel the urge to ...
Posted by James Beverley on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 08:23:00 PST

The Nature of Genius

"Albert Einstein was a ladies' man:While he was working on his Universal Plan,He was making out like Charlie Sheen.He was a Genius." From the song "Genius", by Warren Zevon...
Posted by James Beverley on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 08:16:00 PST