INTERESTS: Music, Movies, Beer, Music, Vampires.Sports (I hate baseball but anything else I usually watch), cooking, going to concerts, checking out new bands, and of course playing guitar.
I am in a relationship and very happy. Not here to find a date. I mostly use this to network with mostly musicians and local acts. If I like your band, I will make sure I let other know about it.
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The Greatest band EVER!
MUSIC: Metal, Classical, blues or anything that interests me. Iron Maiden by far is my Favorite band. I love the Ramones. Impaler is my favorite local band. As far as a newer band goes, 3inches of blood truly rules.
What Kind of Metalhead Are You?
You are a True Metalhead. You dig the classic music and the classic lifestyle. As metalheads go, you're pretty open-minded in terms of music and lyrics; if it rocks, then you'll listen to it. Concerts are the pinnacle of the metal experience, though sometimes they get a little too crazy. You generally respect everybody else, but as far as you're concerned, they all wish they were Priest or Maiden.
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Legends hang out!!
The Great Johnny Cash
Nicolo Paganini
Hank Williams SR
MetalMoe and Steve HarrisMetalMoe and Dave MurrayVery young and Skinny MetalMoe with Adrian SmithMetalMoe and Bruce Dickinson
MetalMoe and Nicko McBrain
MetalMoe and Janick GersIf we're EVIL or DIVINE, we're the last in line
MetalMoe and The Metal GOD-Rob Helford
No explanation needed
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Check it. I am the dude with the King Diamond face. Halloween 2006
MOVIES: Blue Velvet, Nosferatu, Any movies by Bella Lugosi. The Godfather, Goodfellas, Casino, Big Lebowsky, I just watched Dr.Zhivago for the first time in ten years, what a powerfull fucking movie. Not a big fan of action movies. I love James bond but hate action movies for the sake of just being full of action and special effects.FUCK THAT SHIT, PBAST BLUE RIBBON THE ORIGINAL PRINCE OF DARKNESS
TV: Real time with Bill Mahr,Sopranos, the news (fuck Fox news). The Shield. Entourage, Football. The History Channal, IFC, Discovery times, BBC, GoalTV.
BOOKS: Currently reading Tintin: In a new world by Frederick Tutam. Favorite book; Frankenstein.
HEROS: My Mother, My Father (RIP), Steve Harris, Ali Parvin, Ritchie Blackmore. Steve Harris The Metal God Ritchie Blackmore The man, the Myth, Sultan Ali ParvinRoberto Baggio