Playing w/my two dogs, meeting others who like to make a positive difference in the world, having raw food potlucks, teaching about the raw food lifestyle, reading, skiing,and traveling and yoga and helping people make money through who dont have alot of money to have a home biz.
David Wolfe Matt Amsden Matt Monarch Alissa Cohen Juliano and Gabriel Cousens Dr.Doug Graham Oprah Cherie Russel Simmons Storm and Jinji from and The Fruitarian guy from RFT (These are a few gurus that I would LOOOOVE to spend a week with!)hint hint
Jazz, hip hop, and R&B and blues. Favorite artist of all times: SADE
My favorite is : Troy,Braveheart,Dangerous Beauty,Zoro, and.. (not too much of a movie going so I will have to get back to you on that one)
Favorite shows: wife swap & big brother
My all time favorite : Driven By Eternity (A real life changer! Highly recommend), I Know Why The Cage Bird Sings, You Dont Have To Be Blind To see, The Secret and The Wind Done Gone (that is the Black version of Gone With The Wind.) Its a really good book check it out! I love reading motivational books and books on the raw lifestyle. I love it when people recommend books!
Maya Angelou, Oprah,Paul Nison, Alissa Cohen,David Wolfe,Matt Amsden,Dr.Doug Graham and mi Papi Chulo!