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Restless Moon

Restless Moon

About Me

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Release of demo Mare Crisium.
Restless Moon is very pleased to announce that a first official demo will be released as a brief introduction of what more is to come. This demo will be called "Mare Crisium" (Sea of Crisis) and will contain the following six songs, with a total playing time of almost 43 minutes:
1. Streams Of Confusion - 7:16
2. Echoes From Beyond - 7:29
3. The Coming Of Fate - 6:53
4. Imprisonment - 6:05
5. The Endless Circle - 7:22
6. A First Scent Of Spring - 6:40
Mare Crisium (the "sea of crises") is a lunar mare located in the Moon's Crisium basin, just northeast of Mare Tranquillitatis. This basin is a relatively young mare region of the Pre-Imbrian period, 4.55 to 3.85 billion years ago.
It is 350 miles (560 km) in diameter in the east-to-west direction and 270 miles (430 km) in the north-to-south direction and covers an area of 66,000 square miles (169,000 km2). Centered at approximately 20 degrees north and 60 degrees east, it is near the eastern edge of the side of the moon visible from Earth.
It has a very flat floor, with a ring of wrinkled ridge toward its outer boundaries. Ghost craters, craters that have largely been buried under deposits of other material, are located to the south. Mare Crisium is the site of a gravitational anomaly known as a "mascon," or mass concentration. The mascon is presumably the fragments of the asteroid or comet whose impact created the mare basin buried beneath the surface. The high-gravity anomaly associated with the mascon makes the already-complex task of computing the orbits of lunar space probes all the more difficult. It also causes lunar satellites orbiting at low altitudes to either impact the moon or to be flung out into interplanetary space after a few years.
Mare Crisium's contrasty greys are visual poetry.
At this stage final mixing and mastering take place, as well as working on the last finishing touch on the artwork.
As soon as the demo is official released and ready to be ordered, additional information will be posted here on MySpace.
You can pre-order a copy of Mare Crisium now, by sending a message!
Hope to hear from you, take care!
Herman - Restless Moon
About Restless Moon
Restless Moon is a progressive rock and metal band based in the Netherlands that first saw daylight somewhere during summer 2004. The band consists of only one member, Herman Verhoef, who is performing all vocals, guitars, keyboard, bass, drums and midi programming on the hard keyboards and drum parts.
Plans for Restless Moon were started years ago, although it never came actually to something. After an emotional experience in life, lots of inspirations came to blossoming, at first in words, and later in music.
The first preliminary recordings were the song Echoes From Beyond, Herman had already written with his band Buxom Prime. The lyrics appeared to fit very well within the other lyrics and the story that was already written until then, but also, it was a very good test case in recording a song in a new private studio.
Another already existing song is Lonely Waters, which was written by Herman with his previous band Ice Cold Zone. The song has been renamed to Lonely Waters II, as this song has been altered on quite some parts in both music and lyrics which changed the lyrical theme of the song completely.
The first new music for Restless Moon was written somewhere during autumn 2004. First recordings took place shortly thereafter.
The music of Restless Moon is moving somewhere in between rock and metal, and specifically at the progressive side of it, so in short the music could be categorized as progrock or progmetal. Heavy or gentle, or in between, not limited in any way and always looking for that good melody that catches you!
The Moon and Her Man
Born as a restless Gemini on June 10, 1968, in the Netherlands, Herman’s first discovery of music was simply on the radio in the seventies, living as a child with older brother and sisters, listening to bands such as ELO, Supertramp, Kansas, Genesis, Queen, Ram Jam, Blondie, etc. There was always something “wild” in the music he liked, with guitars and drums playing an important role.
At an age of 11, when Kiss was having a huge hit with “I was made for loving you” his first album was Kiss - Alive II. The doors to rock music went wide open.
Shortly after that, with the birth of the NWOBH (New Wave Of British Heavy Metal) he was introduced to bands such as Iron Maiden, Saxon, Judas Priest, Y&T, Motorhead and the first non-Kiss album he had was Iron Maiden - Maiden Japan.
The next few years the metal scene became more extreme with thrash and speed metal and some of the favorite bands that have left their influences are Exciter, Metallica, Slayer, Agent Steel, Exodus and Toxik.
Always fascinated by playing drums, Herman’s interest grew stronger and stronger, but practical limitations of playing drums while living in a house built against the neighbors’ house, drums only remained as an interest, nothing more.
From very close he watched his friends play in the speed metal band Inferno, later renamed to Silenxce, and very much stimulated by this Herman started playing the guitar in 1987 after a year of experiments on a self made piece of wood with six strings. While being part of the Silenxce Road Crew, he soon was able to play most of the Silenxce songs himself.
After the split of Silenxce, part of that band started a new band Ice Cold Zone which Herman was asked to join in 1990. The band did a few studio recordings and live gigs but split up in 1995.
One year later, in 1996, Herman together with a few friends, founded a new band called Buxom Prime in which Herman still plays guitars today. Next thing was an old dream. A new band, consisting of relatively inexperienced musicians founded the band Everdew in 2003 and Herman was invited to try and play the drums. The band appeared to be surprised by the fact he never had played the drums before. Early 2005 Everdew split up, but had given Herman much experience playing in a band other than guitars and combined with the great amount of inspiration for new music which did not fit within the band Buxom Prime he still played in, Restless Moon started to shine its light soon after.
Finally in 2007, during a short Silenxce reunion-tour Herman was honored to replace one of the original guitar players.
New Moon
The new moon, of no importance
lingers behind as the yellow sun glares
and is gone beyond the sea's edge;
earth smokes blue;
the new moon, in cool height above the blushes,
brings a fresh fragrance of heaven to our senses.
By D.H. Lawrence (1885-1930)

My Interests


Member Since: 1/28/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: For info you can contact Restless Moon at:

[email protected]
Herman Verhoef: Vocals,
6-, 7- and 12- string electric and acoustic guitars,
bass guitar,

Herman's musical milestones:
- 1979: first album: Kiss – Alive II.
- 1983: introduction to hardrock and metal with album: Iron Maiden – Maiden Japan, later Y&T, Saxon, Motorhead, Judas Priest.
- Next few years: birth of the metal scene with first album releases of Exciter, Metallica, Slayer, Agent Steel, Exodus, Toxik.
- 1986: Inferno (later Silenxce) founded.
- 1987: bought my first guitar: Squier Bullet strat.
- 1987: member of Silenxce roadcrew.

Herman's band history:
- Ice Cold Zone, guitars, 1990 – 1995
- Buxom Prime, guitars, 1996 – today
- Everdew, drums, 2003 – early 2005

Influences: Musical influences? There are so many; Restless Moon is influenced by any music that's been listened to. Some of these influences: '80's speed and thrash metal, '90's and today's progmetal, progrock and symphonic rock.
Think of bands such as Kiss, Iron Maiden, Sacred Blade, Exodus, old Metallica, Marillion, Flotsam and Jetsam, Dream Theater, Steve Vai, Silenxce ('80's dutch speed metal band), Queensryche, Pain Of Salvation, Toto.
Restless Moon is not pretending to be playing on the same high level as some bands named here, but nevertheless, these names had a big influence on the type of music written and played. Just listen to the music, judge and enjoy! :-)
Sounds Like: Progmetal. Heavy guitar rock mixed with metal and sympho influences, not trying to sound like anything. Not restricted in any direction, not in writing nor in use of instruments, but always looking for a good melody and pieces that grab you!
But if you really need a direction: just look at the influences, listen for yourself and see what influences you recognise...
Record Label: unsigned. Recordings at private studios.
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Demo Mare Crisium - Update.

As announced recently, a first demo will be released soon. However, mixing took a bit more time than expected. Reasons for this is the learning curve I am in on this topic, together with my inner crit...
Posted by Restless Moon on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 02:21:00 PST

Updated two songs!

Hi there! Just updated already uploaded songs with partly new recordings end mixing of the songs "The Coming Of Fate" and "Imprisonment". Hope you like it!!! have a great weekend! Herman  ...
Posted by Restless Moon on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 07:07:00 PST

Over 1.000 friends! :-)

On april 1st 2008 the number of Friends of Restless Moon exceeded 1.000 !!! This may seem just a small milestone, but nevertheless Restless Moon would like to express a huge "Thank You" and immense g...
Posted by Restless Moon on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 02:14:00 PST

Mare Crisium - demo to be released soon!!!

Restless Moon is very pleased to announce that a first official demo will be released as a brief introduction of what more is to come. This demo will be called "Mare Crisium" (Sea of Crisis) and will ...
Posted by Restless Moon on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 05:58:00 PST

Updated Echoes From Beyond.

A new version of the song Echoes From Beyond has been uploaded. All vocals and acoustic guitars have been rerecorded, and the song has been remixed. Hopefully you appreciate the update, do not hesitat...
Posted by Restless Moon on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 10:55:00 PST

New song added: The Coming Of Fate!!!

Hi there! Since MySpace allows to publish 6 songs now, a new song is added to the play list. Hope you like it, do not hesitate to drop a note with comments! very best wishes, Herman - Restless Moon &n...
Posted by Restless Moon on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 01:08:00 PST

Photos added...

Hi folks! Just letting you know I added some pictures... and uhmmmm, what can I say more about it...? no explanation needed. :-) Just check it out... ;-) and you may always feel free to contact me. Al...
Posted by Restless Moon on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 02:29:00 PST

New song added!!!

Hi there, finally some news from Restless Moon. A song has been added, and due to the limited number of songs uploadable at Myspace, another song has been deleted. The song deleted was the instrumenta...
Posted by Restless Moon on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 01:50:00 PST

A brief history.

  Posting a brief history as an introduction to how Restless Moon was started. At first the idea was to find some people on the internet, anywhere in the world, to share some musical ideas and p...
Posted by Restless Moon on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 04:35:00 PST

Silenxce gig at Scum - Thanks!!!

Hi there! Thanks for all the great support and enthousiasm during my gig with Silenxce yesterday at Scum, Katwijk. Great to see the music is still alive and my role as a stand-in or call it replacemen...
Posted by Restless Moon on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 12:22:00 PST