My car, movies, music, concerts, horseback riding, hanging out with friends, driving around, MEN *as friends, I got a great guy* (no boys need apply!), and my sexy LL BERNADETTE!Also, Tattoos & piercings:
My 1st tattoo ^
Two of my boys: Justin and Ghost.
Other humans. But I'll talk to non-humans too. :-D
What kinda sex do you like?
Favourite Color
Times you want to fuck a day.. As much as possible
Fav. position 69
How you like it ROUGH BABY
Where do you like doing it doesn't matter as long as i get sex
how good are you? i make them moan for more
This quiz by sixmilesleft - Taken 24536 Times.
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|Last Week|Tripside|Slow Car Boost|SGT|Carbondale|Midtown|Bandcamp|Dec 84|Half Circle Drive|Diffuser|Linkin Park|Good Charlotte|Three Days Grace|Chingy|Nine Days|Waaaaay too many more to list. I'm a music mutt and will listen to almost anything. Almost. I dont do opera.
I like them. Lots of them. Comedy? Great. Blood? Eh, I'll just cover my eyes thanks. Romance? Not too into mushy gooey crap. Action? -Rolls eyes- Okay, I guess it really depends on the movie. I love Cruel Intentions and Billy Madison, as well as Pitch Black. All three of those are no where near each other. Finding Nemo rawks! Im a weirdo... yes I am.
I'm hooked on reality TV for some odd, unknown reason. Ive been sucked in to be brainwashed like millions of others.
I may not like to watch gooey romance crud, but I read it. Go figure. .
We went 2 colledge and werked reel hard 2 lern
Last Week and of course, my Bernadette