Meet defEKt, the best gangsta-jazz-metal band to operate in Western Canada in the period of time between 1999-2001. As a result of their debut album ‘Pobody’s NerfEKt’ and their many debaucherous live shows in and around Calgary, AB, defEKt earned a reputation as somewhat of a renegade crew.
Twas not an uncommon sight to see rowdy people bleeding to the rhythm of a defEKt concert, as they performed various slam dance rituals, which were popular at the time. Also, hot bitches went to their show. Lots of em.
‘Pobody’s NerfEKt’ (2000) was a 6 song masterpiece, featuring such classics as ‘Commodore 64 Jesus’ and ‘Wakin’ Up the Hippiez’, the latter of which was used as a theme song in the Arnold Schwarzenegger Gubernatorial campaign.
In addition, the band ventured into ‘the Beach’ a top notch Calgary recording studio to cut a few more tracks in 2001. Among these, the rhapsody known as ‘Toggleswitch’.
The following is a list of the core defEKt members, along with their last known whereabouts:
TOBY ‘TUBESOX’ (guitar)-currently leading heavy metal heroes POINTZEROEIGHT, who will be playing the half time show at the Superbowl next year.
DR. BUNTLOVE (vocals)- enjoys a career behind the scenes in the film industry. Nimble of finger and tongue, his primary duties include operating the boom shift, and acting as a fluffer for female porn stars.
RICCA RAZOR SHARP (vocals)-currently enjoying a career as a hip hop artist, both solo and with the AUDIBLE INTELLIGENCE. Touring Africa with Bono and Angelina Joli, and teaching the locals about the joys of raving.
ROB REUSER (bass)-Playing bass for smash-mouth rock outfit SPECIAL AGENT JOHNSON. You touch-a his shit, he break-a you face.
STONER DAVE WATERS (drums)-If anybody knows where he be, please tell him we said hi.
SAVIO (drums, later era)-Last seen as a contestant on the VH1 reality TV show ‘So You Think You Have a Pretty Penis: Celebrity Drummer Edition.’
If you see any members of defEKt, say hello, and buy them some onion rings.
I Call Him Herbie....