my son, music, people, history, theatre, arts, analogue b&w-photography, shooting w/ my olympus om (all of them), paedagogics, music, music, more music and even more music
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tonlatest.gif" border="0" alt="Myspace Layouts">I'd like to meet all you nice people from around the globe, or just around the corner!
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The Kinks, The Yardbirds, The Remo 4, The Boots,The Clash, The Redskins,The Prisoners,Ed Ball et al.,Brighton 64, Los Scooters, Los Flechazos, Luke Haines et al., Die Profis, Bernd Begemann, Samba, and TOMTEI'd like to aknowledge everybody to join an army of LOVE
Blow Up, Harold and Maude, Die Blechtrommel,Diva, Delicatessen,Das Leben ist eine Baustelle, Sommer vorm Balkon
ain't got no TV, but M*A*S*Hdefinitely was 1 favourite!
Theodor Storm, Hans Fallada, Erich Maria Remarque, Martin Suter, Philippe Djian, Ian McEwan, Nick Hornby, T.C. Boyle, Kiko Amat, comic art from Hugo Pratt, Enki Bilal a.s.o.
ordinary me and you