captaincorto profile picture


Me, myself and I and about you, yourself and yours!

About Me

Name: Urs Elssel *27-12-1966 Location: Berlin, GERI'm an avid admirer of guitar based music and 6T's and other culture w/ style. A history teacher now working for a nonprofit organization on the fields of organising components of special paedagogics for the Berlin school-system. Divorced living w/ my son age 7. Involved w/ the Berlin Mod-scene since 1983, singer w/ The What...For! since 1985 and nearly 20 years of interrupted stage-experience. Feel free to listen to them on: ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** buy stuff at: ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' and ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' *****************************************************

My Interests

my son, music, people, history, theatre, arts, analogue b&w-photography, shooting w/ my olympus om (all of them), paedagogics, music, music, more music and even more music

I'd like to meet:

.. "; .. .. src=" tonlatest.gif" border="0" alt="Myspace Layouts">I'd like to meet all you nice people from around the globe, or just around the corner! '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' You've been marked on my visitor map! Click to zoom in.

Get your own map at


The Kinks, The Yardbirds, The Remo 4, The Boots,The Clash, The Redskins,The Prisoners,Ed Ball et al.,Brighton 64, Los Scooters, Los Flechazos, Luke Haines et al., Die Profis, Bernd Begemann, Samba, and TOMTEI'd like to aknowledge everybody to join an army of LOVE


Blow Up, Harold and Maude, Die Blechtrommel,Diva, Delicatessen,Das Leben ist eine Baustelle, Sommer vorm Balkon


ain't got no TV, but M*A*S*Hdefinitely was 1 favourite!


Theodor Storm, Hans Fallada, Erich Maria Remarque, Martin Suter, Philippe Djian, Ian McEwan, Nick Hornby, T.C. Boyle, Kiko Amat, comic art from Hugo Pratt, Enki Bilal a.s.o.


ordinary me and you

My Blog

there's magical news emerging from old vets!

Howdy folks,there in fact is emerging new stuff in old-fashioned style from them lads, we for so long been missing. OASIS made an album completely worth the patience. Outstanding in contrast to them l...
Posted by captaincorto on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 04:22:00 PST

A lots been going on lately...

A captain's announcement: Please keep calm, everything is under control!As I earlier told U - I'm unable to post frequently. So once a year'd be a good choice, right? As I'm writing my diary w/ a pen...
Posted by captaincorto on Sat, 10 May 2008 01:54:00 PST

What's up - who's cooking?

A captain's announcement:Everybody should know, there is little spare time for frequently caring about this blog's representative features. I'm late w/ everything so far. Taking the courage to follow...
Posted by captaincorto on Wed, 02 May 2007 01:31:00 PST


..the venueHere we go again!An EP is due to release on Sat., February 10th, at the Schokoladen in Berlin-Mitte.Come, look and listen!...
Posted by captaincorto on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 03:33:00 PST

blog for U

http://lex-corto.blogspot.comfor more about us - blog in and get wise!The What...For!...
Posted by captaincorto on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 12:08:00 PST