This site is dedicated to those who have experienced ANY type of CHURCH/PASTORAL Abuse. Coming out of this type of situation can be heartwrenching and can lead a person to mistrust not only christians, but all people, in general.
This is a place, not only for those who are still Christians, but for those who refuse to be a part of any type of "CHURCH" setting or who refuse to believe in God, altogether. We want this page to be a place where you can share your heart to recieve healing, hope, and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!**************************************************
All information that is sent will be kept strictly confidential unless stated otherwise. Any stories sent to this email or here on myspace will be posted with the writers permission without any names disclosed. Please feel free to e-mail your stories and/or prayer requests by clicking on the link below.
[email protected]********************************
The Help Fight HIV/AIDS(HFHA) Organization was founded in Spring of 2006. It is a vision six years in the making. A vision that is dedicated to helping those living and coping with HIV/AIDS. The organization has become an education tool for those uninformed about the disease, prevention, and many other aspects that have to be considered when dealing with HIV/AIDS. Future objectives of the organization include providing housing and schooling for those infected with the disease. The school will be a safe haven for youth confronted with the stigma of being HIV/AIDS positive in an uncompassionate society. Our goal is to educate the young, as well as the old, by touring schools, colleges, and popular venues to spread the word to those uninformed and misinformed. It is our greatest endeavor to establish an international testing facility that provides testing and medical assistance to people worldwide. The HFHA organization strives to become an international foundation that changes and heals the world for the better, touching our world in a way that no other organization has ever done before!
If anyone is interested in knowing more about HIV/AIDS and you would like more information please visit our official website and myspace page by clicking on the links ids********************************************************* ******************************************"A HOME TO HEAL AND GROW"
New Hope Full Gospel Baptist Church is a family of believers dedicated to ministering to the lost and brokenhearted. Bishop David C. Cooper and Elder Nina M. Cooper are always available to help in any situation. They continuously pour out love and support to Christians and non-Christians alike. For more information please visit their website and their MySpace page by clicking on the links below.www.newhopechurchabq.orgNew Hope Full Gospel Baptist Church