I got this Sexy Comment from Commentsheaven.com! Hi...........I'm a fun-loving, musical, Romanian gypsy/Cree single mom of a wonderful sweet son, Joshua. My purpose of being here on My Space is to make as MANY friends as possible!!!! My close friends would say that I am good- natured and have a great sense of humor, and naturally I am attracted to funny people. I believe that laughter is the best medicine for what ails you in life. So..... Live, Love and Laugh Often! I have many interests...I just started making my own line of semi precious jewelry.....necklaces, earrings, bracelets and the whole nine yards. Music of course is my main interest. One day I will post some of my songs so you can have a listen...I just need to get my butt into gear.My son Josh is the treasure of my heart and he is very gifted musically. He loves to jam with Mom on his guitar, bless his little soul!!!!I refer to him as my little Jimi Hendrix...(Well ok...not quite but he is really getting good at it!) At a young age he is already starting to compose his own music. He has big dreams of one day becoming a DJ. Joshua is also involved heavily with Musical theatre and loves to compete in both vocals and acting...I play and teach classical piano,I dabble a bit in guitar, and I create my own tracks via my computer...... with a keyboard attached to it....and kick ass software. I also sing.....and have been since I was three years old.. So you see, we are a musical family and music is a big part of our life! I wish you all Peace, love and happiness!!!
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