anything and everything.test
Someone I can talk with and carry on a conversation.
AUS ROTTEN, Antidote, Conflict, Chaos UK, Drongos for Europe, Defiance, The Escaped, The Restarts, Misfits (older stuff and couple new songs), Dead Kennedys, The Virus, The Varukers, SUBHUMANS, Blanks 77, The Exploited, GBH, Minor Threat, Sex Pistols, Broken Bones, Unseen, UK Subs, TSOL, Clit 45, Strap Onz, Oi Polloi, A Global Threat, Abrasive Wheels, Agnostic Front, FEAR, Discocks, Capitalist Casualties, Crass, Cheap Sex, Funeral Dress, The Havoc, Lower Class Brats, Statch and the Rapes, Toxic Narcotic, Reagan Youth, The Hookers, Angelic Upstarts, The Clash, 7 Seconds, Icons of Filth, Skeptix, The Pist, The Partisans, The Adicts, Motorhead, Oxymoron, F-Minus, Le Shok, The Weaklings, Buzzcocks, Cocksparrer, Germs, TSOL, Anti-Flag, Anti-Nowhere League, GG Allin, Blitz, Action, Instant Agony, Kill Your Idols, 4-Skins, Cropknox, Devotchkas, Adolf and the Piss Artists, Discharge, The Dickies, The Damned, Blood For Blood, Vice Squad, Gwar, Infa Riot, One Way System, Homebrew, Total Chaos, 17 Stitches, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Caustic Christ, Combat 84, Sham 69, Cyndi Lauper, Anti Pasti, Anti Product, The Beatles, Billy Idol, GNR, Johnny Cash, Offenbach, Pachelbel, Mozart, Simon and Garfunkel, Pretty Girls Make Graves, The Faint, Paragraf 119, Asta Kask, Guddommelig Galskab, SLAYER, Turbonegro, Placebo
The Filth and the Fury, Clockwork Orange, Boondock Saints, Catch 22, Fahrenheit 9/11,Trainspotting, Requiem for a Dream, Blow, Pulp Fiction, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Formula 51, Shawkshank Redemption, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Bowling for Columbine, Little Mermaid, Full Metal Jacket, Schindlers List, Office Space, Night of The Living Dead, The Exorcist, 13 Ghosts, Coming to America, The Punisher, Terminator and Terminator 2, Napoleon Dynamite, The Searchers, American History X, Romper Stomper..
Fairly Odd Parents,Family Guy, Recess, Hey Arnold (I have love for the Football head), Futurama,I Love The 70's, I Love The 80's, I Love The 90's, History Channel, Parliament on CSPAN, History's Mysteries, Unsolved Mysteries, What Not To Wear, Extreme Makeover, VIVA LA BAM, pretty much any VH1 show, Parental Control, i love garbage TV.
American Hardcore by Steven Blush, 1984 by George Orwell, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, To Kill a Mockingbird by Lee Harper, The Fuck Up by Arthur Nersesian, Julius Caesar by Shakespeare, A Rose For Emily by William Faulkner, Choke by Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk
Heros let you down.