S E L E N A profile picture


KEEP~ON~KEEPiN'~ON........THE REAL DEAL IS HARD TO COME BY....!...How lovely it will be WHen I am KN

About Me

Free MySpace Layouts and Graphics MySpace LayoutsTyphoon Rips Through Cemetery; Hundreds Dead----wait...Did I read that right? Pretty Much my "dream car"I've decided that: TRUE LOVE MAY END, BUT IT NEVER REALLY DIES"TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL THINE HEART AND LEAN NOT UNTO THINE OWN UNDERSTANDING. IN ALL THY WAYS ACKNOWLEDGE HIM AND HE SHALL DIRECT THY PATHS FOR GOOD"My BEAUTIFUL Mother:)

My Interests

WATCH THIS VIDEO of my NIECES and NEPHEWS. It wasn't planned and it was sooo funny;PThe Nieces and Nephews Sing Along

Add to My Profile | More VideosTWO Things that I love: NINTENDO and NAPOLEON!!!I LOVE ROSWELL!!!MY INTERESTS:___________________________________________ I REALLY APPRECIATE SINCERE,WARM, AND GENUINE PEOPLE! WE NEED MORE OF THEM! I love MUSIC SO BEAUTIFUL, THAT IT MAKES YOU FEEL THINGS AND CUTS DEEP INTO YOUR SOUL! I love expressing my thoughts, feelings and inspirations through poetry,writing and music. I also love STAR GAZING (seriously)..it puts things in PERSPECTIVE!____________________________I LOVE GOD,THE BEACH!!!,Surfing, Swimming,CHILLING WITH MY BROTHER!! Nintendo, BOYS, Car Racing, 80's movies, awesome friends,riding bikes,goin'on walks with friends,shopping, hanging out,eating,sleeping in,talking with cool accents,SUSHI,museums,volunteering,making some bling jewelry, watching a good movie (i love watching movies all day and CUDDLING too:), playing piano, writing poems and music, trying new things, Napoloeon Dynamite, oh and boys:) oh and hugging:-D I REALLY LIKE TO SNUGGLE TOO!Ummmm, Hi James Franco:)Christian Bale...Oh yeah!LOVE MY GIRLS!homegirls PLAYING PIANO IS MY SANCTUARY! PART OF MY HERITAGE.....href="http://www.myheritage.com" title="MyHeritage Celebrity Collage" alt="MyHeritage Celebrity Collage" target="_blank"THIS IS WHAT MY OLD PIANO LOOKED LIKE! My Superman:).... My hero and best friend!

I'd like to meet:

KATHERINE HEIGL!!!Katherine Heigl! -----THIS WOULD BE COOL:)..... Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you. Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says,".....that's her." Wait for the guy who sits in his car when he drops you off just to make sure you make it all the home okay. Wait for the guy who will blow off his plans just to spend a little more time with you. Wait for the guy who you know will wait for you if that is the only way he can ever have you. Hope you don't have to wait for that guy.


I love movie soundtracks, the music is always so beautiful on them!, JackJohnson, Modest Mouse, Coldplay, Metallica, Pink Floyd,Guns N' Roses, Chris Isaak, Bob Segar, Queen, Classic Rock, 80's Music!, Star 98.7!, Oldies, Classical music, Radiohead, Linkin Park, Switchfoot, Aqualung, Anna Nalak, Norah Jones,Frank Sinatra,Ella Fitzgerald,Billy Holiday, Sting, Maroon 5, Vertical Horizon, Soothing, chilling new age stuff, Napoleon Dynamite Soundtrack! and much more!.....


Need you even ask:P: Napoleon Dynamite (of course),k?!SUPERMAN RETURNS WAS AWESOME!!! The Rocketeer, Remember the Titans, National Treasure, Ocean's 11, The Patriot, The 10 Commandments,The Man in the Moon, My Father the Hero, The Italian Job,North and South,Pride and Prejuice!.... Ok there's just too many good ones to list!


I love old cartoons like She-Ra, Alvin and the Chipmunks and old 80's shows!. I LOVE Grey's Anantomy and 'Medium' and any shows like Primetime, Dateline, and 20/20. I really like documentaries too! Love National Geographic channel specials about Ufos, planets and stars, Oh and "ROSWELL" is my favorite show ever..YOU SHOULD WATCH IT AND YOU"LL SEE WHY.....I don't get to watch much T.V these days though.KATHERINE HEIGL FROM ROSWELL AND GREY"S ANATOMY! MY FAVORITE!!!




Jesus,My Momma, Abraham Lincoln, my best friends

My Blog

++++Real Love Vs. Infatuation++++

I came across this today and it is very right on.... i thought most of us could probably relate to this in some way. Its a bit long, but even if you read a little of it, I think you'll be enlightened!...
Posted by SELENA on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 04:58:00 PST


Sometimes when i hear music that is so beautiful, I feel so many things. It harmonizes and sinks with my soul. A beautiful melody can sometimes express so much better who I am inside and what I feel t...
Posted by SELENA on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 12:32:00 PST


"The Broken Vase"   There was once a large Vase so perfect and pure , It had not one crack on its surface demure, A prized possession by a local artist he had carved, And people would come from ...
Posted by SELENA on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 03:33:00 PST

LOOKING UP.....REACHING FOR MORE....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Looking up..reaching for more&seeing what our worth is for; I see a place up above the haze, Its just about the place where I can see the stars and gaze, It's a place where dreams are still unborn, b...
Posted by SELENA on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 06:37:00 PST


Spiritual Girls Are Always Better Current mood: chipper A girl asked a boy if she was pretty.He said no.She asked him if he wanted to be with her forever.He said no.She then asked him if he would c...
Posted by SELENA on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 10:00:00 PST