..From before he was born, Mac.1 was humming, rapping and writing music. Music is in his veins. From the inside to the outside - playing, writing, d-jaying, mixing, producing. The second eldest of nine children, mac.1 had no doubt of his musical talent.Mac.1 a former part of Street Politiks. They went on to win the Mobo Unsung award and the Mobo Best Unsung UK Hip-Hop 2002. In addition to this, they were successful in supporting R&B star Joe, multi-platinum R&B group 112 and the smash hit Butlins tour plus much more.With so much talent, Mac.1 was asked to do remixes for major labels-BMG, Virgin, TVT and Universal. Having successfully completed a number of projects (Amy Winehouse, Tyle James, Alicia Keyes, Teedra Mosses amd Lumidee), Mac.1 decided to reform his old band Grimsouljahs. They went on to support Angie Stone on her UK tour.His credentials have earned him such popularity that he has worked with the likes of Klashneckoff, UK Worries, IceBurg Slim, Ragiff, Nana and Phebe, to name but a few.Mac.1 is busy writing and with edgy big sound thing going on he can't help but make it sound good.(PEOPLE I DONE WORK FOR AND PEOPLE IM WORKING)