dancing, cheerleading, Hip Hop and RnB music , bitching , chilling out at cafes, hot and spicy food, sweet sinful desserts, shopping & checking out guys with my gfs :)
seems like people still dont understand wat i meant previously. so i took it down altogether and i'll make it easier. PUT URE PIC UP OR MSG ME BEFORE ADDING ME. IF I LIKE YOU, I"LL ADD YOU. SO BE NICE. if i dun reply to ure msgs or add you, please get the hint and back off. thank u very much. and i dont give out my number tat easily. u have to earn it. good luck ;)
these days i listen to jason mraz (saw him perform live, fcuking awesome!), jack johnson, pussycat dolls (saw them perform live too, gorgeous booties!), black eyed peas (superb entertainers) and fort minor. tho i welcome all new bands or artistes to add me. i'll gladly check out ure music :)
american history x , yamakasi , you got served, honey, crazy beautiful , drumline , empire records , a walk to remember , the notebook , welcome to the dollhouse
sex and the city , the O.C , CSI , Friends , Singapore & American Idol , Queer As Folk, One Tree Hill , America's Next Top Model
non-fiction stuffs.... anything by tess gerritsen.