Janna profile picture


absence does make the heart grow fonder....

About Me

quiet yet loud . sociable yet lonely . independent yet indecisive . mature yet childish . enthusiastic yet lazy . spendthrift yet thrifty . frenly yet reserved . strong yet weak .A typical Libran - romantic, indecisive, fair-minded..... loves to lend a helping hand whenever needed... i'm always surrounded by frens but i still feel lonely sometimes..... i love to party but i'm not much of a clubber.Settling in Bahrain now for about 2 years... missing everyone back home :(

My Interests

dancing, cheerleading, Hip Hop and RnB music , bitching , chilling out at cafes, hot and spicy food, sweet sinful desserts, shopping & checking out guys with my gfs :)

I'd like to meet:

seems like people still dont understand wat i meant previously. so i took it down altogether and i'll make it easier. PUT URE PIC UP OR MSG ME BEFORE ADDING ME. IF I LIKE YOU, I"LL ADD YOU. SO BE NICE. if i dun reply to ure msgs or add you, please get the hint and back off. thank u very much. and i dont give out my number tat easily. u have to earn it. good luck ;)


these days i listen to jason mraz (saw him perform live, fcuking awesome!), jack johnson, pussycat dolls (saw them perform live too, gorgeous booties!), black eyed peas (superb entertainers) and fort minor. tho i welcome all new bands or artistes to add me. i'll gladly check out ure music :)


american history x , yamakasi , you got served, honey, crazy beautiful , drumline , empire records , a walk to remember , the notebook , welcome to the dollhouse


sex and the city , the O.C , CSI , Friends , Singapore & American Idol , Queer As Folk, One Tree Hill , America's Next Top Model


non-fiction stuffs.... anything by tess gerritsen.

My Blog

neither here nor there

i. wish. i. knew. how. to. quit. you....... very very glad tat ure happy tho.... i'm smiling on the outside... but inside everything's messed up. when u told me u missed me and u still had feeligns f...
Posted by Janna on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 10:17:00 PST

karma bit me hard

this is so screwed up..... i just messed up wat could have been good... all becuz i couldnt make up my mind. blardy hell..... and i tot i could control myself.... ended up alone once again.... how sup...
Posted by Janna on Thu, 02 Mar 2006 02:21:00 PST

i should grow up

I just realise tat i have to grow up. See... i'm just starting to have a real job at 25... i still cant make decisions.... and i'm still not in a proper r/ship.... All this time ive been in ...
Posted by Janna on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 08:04:00 PST


hey all.... check out my blog from now on @ www.xanga.com/jayMF and leave a msg on my board while ure at it..... :) cheers... muaKZ janna a.k.a QueenB
Posted by Janna on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

something to make me feel better...

After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand & chaining a soul,And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning and company doesn't mean security,And you begin to learn that ki...
Posted by Janna on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST