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About Me

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LOUD /All About Electronic Music/ was established on 27th November 2003 in Novi Sad by VJ Easyshave ; it was organized in a form of multimedia show about completely new subcultural phenomenon-electronic music. First it was going as a radio show/LOUD on In Radio Novi Sad 106.3/, then TV show/LOUD on Delta TV/, and then it gotten its Internet presentation-www.loud.co.yu .***************** From the very start, Vladimir [VJ Easyshave] was engaged as a manager and a promoter of the project; Dragan Vukmirovic got his role- radio-show editor; Doctor Pauk has got obligation to deliver LOUD sound to Serbian crowd. ****************** Dragan Vukmirovic still does his part of job, every thursday @ IN radio-106.3FM-start @ 22h - Novi Sad - Serbia; ******************* Doctor Pauk has been doing his job as good as it was possible, until he was stopped in a car accident and he stopped his activities on 8th November 2005. Now he is recovering and every day getting closer to realization of his ideas about music production ..************** VJ Easyshave is improving his VJ skill and is showing it up from time to time, making himself one of the best professionals. Even today it can be said he is one of the top-three VJs in Serbia! ****************** T***************LOUD AND CLEAR******************************************************* **** ************************************************************ ***** ************************************************************ ***** LOUD/All About Electronic Music/ je osnovao 27.novembra 2003.god u Novom Sadu VJ Easyshave; organizovan je u formi multimedijalne prezentacije o potpuno novom subkulturnom fenomenu - elektronskoj muzici. Prevenstveno je zazhiveo kao radio emisija /LOUD na In Radiju Novi Sad 106.3 MHz/, zatim kao TV emisija /LOUD na Delta TV Novi Sad/ i na kraju je dobio svoju Internet prezentaciju********** Od samog pochetka, Vladimir [VJ Easyshave] je zaduzhen za obavljanje poslova manager-a i promotera projekta; Dragan Vukmirovic je dobio ulogu urednika radio-emisije; Doctor Pauk je zaduzhen da prenese zvuke LOUD-a srpskoj masi.****************** Dragan Vukmirovic josh uvek obavlja svoj deo posla, svake nedelje;****************** Doctor Pauk je obavljao svoj deo posla shto je bolje bilo mogucce, sve dok nije zaustavljen u saobraccajnoj nesrecci; njegove aktivnosti su zaustavljene 8. novembra 2005. godine. Sada se oporavlja i svakodnevno priblizhava realizaciji svojih zamisli o muzichkoj produkciji... VJ Easyshave unapredjuje svoje VJ veshtine i pokazuje ih sa vremena na vreme, postajucci jednim od najboljih profesionalaca. Vecc danas se mozhe recci da je jedan od trojice najboljih VJ-a u Srbiji!******************

My Interests


Member Since: 1/24/2007
Band Members: Vladimir aka VJ Easyshave, manager - http://www.myspace.com/lakobrija; DJ and producer Dr Pauk aka Dr. Spider - http://www.myspace.com/dr_pauk:::::VJ EASYSHAVE PROMO JINLGE::::::
Influences: FAKIR and Z/Noise Destruction/ DACHA/Deeplink/ LALE/HappyPeople/... Yoshitoshi, Ministry of Sound...
Sounds Like: VIRGIN HELENA @ LOUDURBAN EXPERIENCE / Serbia part 1part2
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None