Art, books, music, theater, film, degradation, road trips.
Paul Westerberg;
Harry Crews
In memory of Mr. Norman Mailer.
Paul Westerberg gets the most time on my CD player. Frank Black is also cool. There's a problem finding interesting authors these days, songwriters too.
Indie and foreign films pretty much only. Loved that Bukowski documentary BORN INTO THIS. And SLEEPING DOGS LIE, one of the very great recent releases.
Is dead.
(I've been dared to admit I watch Andy Griffith, which I do. I had a HUGE crush on him until someone told me he was a Republican (gag) and someone else said he recorded Christian songs (puke). What was I thinking? Oh, yeah, I was thinking he was really cute. And nice, for a cop.)
Tons. Recommendations: Bukowski's WOMEN and POST OFFICE; Thompson's THE RUM DIARY; William Burrough's JUNKY and QUEER; John Fante THE ROAD TO LOS ANGELES; Harry Crew's BODY and The GYPSY'S CURSE; Selby's LAST EXIT TO BROOKLYN and THE DEMON; Terry Southern's CANDY; Flannery O'Conner's GOOD COUNTRY PEOPLE; Denis Johnson's ANGELS and JESUS' SON (fuck that new Vietnam shit of his though. Seems like it was written FOR a National Book Award); Hemingway's anything with Nick Adams, A MOVEABLE FEAST and THE SUN ALSO RISES; Mailer's EXECUTIONER'S SONG; Capote's IN COLD BLOOD; Camus' THE STRANGER; Kafka's THE TRIAL and THE CASTLE; Steinbeck's CANNERY ROW; Larry Brown's BIG BAD LOVE; Beckett's ENDGAME; Katherine Dunn's GEEK LOVE; Fred Exley's A FAN'S NOTES.
Besides the above-mentioned folks, Edgar A. Poe; Wolfgang Mozart; Steve Buschemi; Eddie Bunker; Vincent Van Gogh, who I'm basically in love with; Paul Gauguin; the poet Lord Byron, who was fucked up and thus cool; Sam Shepard, of course; Eugene O'Neil; and Frances Farmer, for trying.