Gretsch guitars and Telecasters, reverb, 6 and 9 chords, cigarettes, black coffee, dark beer and brown liquor, the beach, sausage gravy over biscuits, politics, dive bars, old-school honky tonk,torch singers, lounge, exotica, Wayne Hancock, Elvis, hillbilly jazz... Big Sandy, Biller and Wakefield, Bryant and West, Redd Volkaert, surf, Miles, Coltrane, Coleman, Ol' Dirty Bastard, 70's punk, Stax, Motown, stoner rock, Mötorhead, Thin Lizzy, girls with cowboy hats.
TV doesn't make people stupid. People make people stupid.Entourage, Big Love, Adult Swim, Food Channel, IFC, Sundance Channel, war movies.
Hunter S. Thompson, Madison Smartt Bell, Milan Kundera, Paul Bowles, Katherine Dunn, Lynda Barry, Annie Proulx, Cormac McCarthy, Irvine Welsh, Martin Amis, Henry Miller, William Faulkner, Flannery O'Connor, cookbooks, short stories.