Michael Magid - The Gollumed Ego profile picture

Michael Magid - The Gollumed Ego

Me in actionPrecious! I just want to be your precious! I'm a bee! I'm a bee! I'm a fuckin' bee!

About Me

My name's Michael. I live in LA. I was born in Caracas Venezuela. Yes, I know not of the ordinary. My mother's Latina, and my Dad's Jewish. I'm a huge sports fan. I love playing, coaching and watching. My main sports are soccer and basketball. Played a little pro soccer. Hit me up, and you can learn a whole lot more fun facts about me. Also the kid I had out of wedlock with a hooker from Hollywood Blvd. No, she wasn't AIDSFREE! Can you imagine a NONAIDSFREE mini me wandering around the world? LOL

My Interests

I like running around and pretending I'm Gollum from Lord of the Rings. I'm funny, well I like to think I am in my delusional world. If anyone wants to see my SNL demo reel hit me up at [email protected] or hollar at my buddy Owen Benjamin

I'd like to meet:

Cute girls 18-30 who are attracted to jewish soccer players/entertainers lol. no seriously, um Girl who are attracted to such attributes as irresposebility, obessive compulsiviness, and absentmindedness. Girls who play sports (especially soccer and basketball), and love to live an active lifestyle, have a zest for life, and don't take life to seriously, but aren't total flakes either.I like to one day meet my dad. I hear he is swell. Lastly, girls who love to wear fanny packs. :-)



My Blog

Hell in a Backalley

  Walking along like this, alone, down these backalley store crowded streets, makes me feel - not really empty but missing something. Some sort of purpose. And the rain just makes it worse. There...
Posted by Michael Magid - The Gollumed Ego on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 11:37:00 PST

Shittiest Night of my Life

 This guy was loaded, like some constipated gun, ready to shoot his wad into anything with a hole big enough. You could tell by the way he walked and the way he canvassed the displayed meat. &nbs...
Posted by Michael Magid - The Gollumed Ego on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 01:18:00 PST

Office Romances- The Fantasy Is Better Than The Reality... Trust Me.

  Okay, so let me start off with a quick catch-me-up for anyone who isn't a frequent member of my own personal "Crisis Council"- really the only one that counts, or at least the only one that I ...
Posted by Michael Magid - The Gollumed Ego on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 01:11:00 PST

I think I'm gay?

So I think I'm gay. My friend Henry once told me that watching and playing soccer is gayer than anything he has ever seen.  So if I'm gay by those terms.... Come on boys, men, guys...
Posted by Michael Magid - The Gollumed Ego on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 10:28:00 PST