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Art for Arkady

Libertine spirited art: Contributions welcome.

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............................................................ ............................................................ ......................................................... ............................................................ ............................................................ .........................................................Wel come to Art for Arkady, a gallery of community art projects, drawings, paintings, collages, and the unexpected inspired by The Libertines and Babyshambles and the commitment to 'Arkady' and 'Albion', the community of trust and friendship.....Art for Arkady is also about 'libertine' artists, those who buck the trend, don't follow fashion and stay true to their art.....There will be a different exhibition on this page every month and the pictures in the library will always be on view. Past exhibitions are arhcived in the blog............ If you would like to contribute to the gallery please get in touch - no one will be refused. Art for Arkady hopes you will be inspired by what you see here. Have fun and enjoy the views....................................................... ..... Upcoming exhibitions: JUNE-JULY - Free For All - Whatever's Happening - It Is Up To You ........................................................... The Happy Birthday Peter exhibition from March is on view on the blog. It is a good idea to subscribe to the blog. ............................................................ .......................................................... Milly's Door: ............................................................ .......................................................... ............................................................ .......................................................... ............................................................ ..........................................................

My Interests

Welcome to THE LEFT COLUMN at Art for Arkady where all the good stuff is. The main exhibition is over to the right, but here on the left you will find more artwork as well as photographs, videos, ARTWORKS BY GUEST ARTISTS. It is updated daily. All contributions are eagerly awaited. Have fun. ............................................................ .......................................................... Visit The Spirit of Albion website: ............................................................ .......................................................... Visit new Libertines/Babyshambles/Yeti blogspot: ............................................................ .......................................................... by Anna: ............................................................ .......................................................... ............................................................ .......................................................... The bunnies at Art for Arkady are going on holiday soon, but the site will be looked after by the turtles at 200turtles. They are a bit slow, but they get things done when they aren't causing problems: ............................................................ ..........................................................Pe te plays bass with The White Sport, Chistmas 2002, Rhythm Factory. Yep, that's Pat Walden on guitar Many thanks to w1lko from rkady/Art4ArkadyFun152.jpg ............................................................ d one close-up, just because it's such a good picture of the boys:....................................................... ............................................................ ... Pete does *karma chameleon* very recently: ............................................................ .......................................................... Footpath (Sidewalk) art - a video chosen by Caine:

............................................................ .......................................................... London Street Art slide shows up at DEFY's MySpace - check the blog.... Date: 10 Sep 2007 10:00 Subject: STREET ART SLIDESHOWS Body: MADE IN THE STREETS OF LONDON.THEY FORM PART OF A BOOK ON DEFY.S WORK WHICH WILL BE OUT NEXT YEAR. THANKS TO ALL NEW FRIENDS FOR ADDS AND REQUESTS X ............................................................ ..........................................................Pe te was quoted in the NME interview about the French Dog, who he said was appearing as graffiti all over London. Nothing stops Art for Arkady artists: Hannah painted this on a red London bus passing through Hackney...even though her arm was in a sling! Londoners: keep an eye out for it. ............................................................ ..........................................................Lu ckyman's cover design for Shotters Nation: ............................................................ .......................................................... Too bad! Better luck with the next album's title! ............................................................ .......................................................... by Bobby Needs - "Bobbyshambles": ............................................................ .......................................................... by Kez: !!!

X ............................................................ .......................................................... Pete at court, 7 August 2007. Sentencing was deferred for four weeks, but Pete is banned from London. He has to live outside London and *show motivation* to quit drugs. Thanks to from the tabloids: ............................................................ .......................................................... Solo gig, August 10, "Music When the Lights Go Out"; ............................................................ ..........................................................Pe te and Mik in "The Lost Tribe of Pikeys" or "The Kosher Boys". Newly posted: ............................................................ .......................................................... by Daniel Scott: ............................................................ .......................................................... by Jazzy: ............................................................ .......................................................... One of the album titles Pete suggested on is *Laburnum Nights*, referring to the street he used to live on in Hackney. Here's the mural on the street that was shown on Art for Arkady last March: contributed by Hannah Lockwood: ............................................................ .......................................................... Crumb Begging Bughead by Katt:....................................................... ............................................................ ... The Books of Alibon signed by Pete: ............................................................ ..........................................................A new project has been started to get *Up the Morning* from Down in Albion into the charts at a date some time in August by a mass purchase of the track from iTunes on a designated day.The purpose of the project is to get Patrick Walden and DIA in the download charts.The project is being administered at the MySpace site: add the site to your friends and watch for bulletins which will tell you what to do on the appointed day.Spread the word.Stay Inspired,Art for Arkadyxx by ProperBo at ............................................................ ..... Jazzy shoots The Paddingtons and The Cardinals: The PaddingtonsGST Cardinals ............................................................ ..........................................................Ph otography by Artful Dodger: ............................................................ ..........................................................AT TENTION ALL ARKADY ARTISTS: This video is essential viewing. It shows young artists painting interior walls with large scale murals made of paint, collage, and GAFFA tape! Thanks to Andrew Mariano, Art for Arkady's guest artist:..................................................... ............................................................ Kez: !

............................................................ .......................................................... A poetry broadside published by the beat poets at City Lights Bookstore in San Francisco, California: ............................................................ .......................................................... ............................................................ ..........................................................Ma rk the K has a new MySpace to display his ever increasing output of artwork! Please give the site a visit at: ............................................................ .......................................................... ............................................................ .......................................................... Going to Get Loaded? DPT Fan? You have to get one of Michelle Misfit's new DPT T-shirts which she will be selling at Get Loaded. Please see blog for details:

You know you want to

............................................................ .......................................................... by Daniel Scott: by C for Clare: "

............................................................ .......................................................... Blasts from the past: Pete and Pat by Danny Clifford. Thanks to the boywhowouldbeking at ........................................................... Pete and Scarborough Steve. Thanks to Peanuts at ........................................................... Pete and Scarborugh Steve. Thanks to Tweeked. ........................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... Need some graphics work done? Shauna.. KISS THIS! Date 4 Jul 2007 9:40 I need more practice doing things with photoshop, if you want a banner or advertisement posters done for something, send everything you want on it.. or just web address and list what you would like on it.. colours, text and just the feel for it ............................................................ .......................................................... This jukebox is wayward. Sometimes you can't turn it off or change songs. When it gets like that it plays songs in the order of the playlist. If that happens and you don't like the songs, turn your audio down. If it continues to kick up and misbehave, it shall be removed!
............................................................ ............................................................ ......................................................... ........................................................... LORRAINE says: There are some wonderful contacts and displays on here. very inspirational and all inclusive - yet exclusive !!! ............................................................ .......................................................... anna from Germany says: Oh ... I dont know what to say.... Its such a amazing art i have never seen bevore...dont know what to say.. i am so impressed about it it takes me in another world!!!!!!!!!!!! it is so great to know that other people feel like i feel............ thank you...that is art!!!!! love anna ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ........................................................from Hannah Lockwood: ............................................................ .......................................................... ............................................................ ..........................................................Pe ter endorses the Umberto Eco's school of thought on Oasis (1997): ............................................................ ..........................................................Ko ln, Spring 2006, Ladyshambles: ............................................................ .......................................................... ............................................................ ..........................................................Ne w Peter Doherty Forum. Go along and join at: ............................................................ ..........................................................Pe ter Exhibits Blood Paintings in London Gallery (see Blog for details: Self Portrait/The Bank Robber Self Portrait/The NME Poster Blackbird ............................................................ .......................................................... ART FOR ARKADY EXCLUSIVE. A blood painting by Peter that is not for sale!: ............................................................ ..........................................................Sa rah Rollerskate at work:....................................................... ............................................................ ...What I Can See You found in inside the Art for Arkady warren:
MySpace Codes ........................................................... ........................................................... Mark the K ventured inside the warren and here's what he found: ............................................................ ..........................................................If you've got something to send to Peter, then this is for you:........................................................ ............................................................ ezunfela:

" ............................................................ .......................................................... by ezunfela: "I Love You (but you're blue)": I love you(but you are blue) ............................................................ ............................................................ .........................................................Mar k the K tells it like it is: ............................................................ ..........................................................Dr ew at Hackney Empire, LMHR-RAR, 19 July 2007@....................................................... ............................................................ ... Drew, Pat and Seb Rochford at Hackney Empire, 19 July: Pat Walden, 19 July, LMHR Hackney Empire. Pics by turtles. Drew during set with Pat: Pics of Pat Walden at Hackney Empire, 19 July 2007, by White Riot. Go Girl!:...................................................... ............................................................ ....Pat Walden joins Pete, Mik, Adam and Peter Wolfe at Islington pub, 3 August, 2007 to celebrate Wolfie's birthday. The set list was:Back from the Dead, Unbilotitled, For lovers (twice), Cyclops, Sheepskin Tearaway, Gang of Gin, Wolfman, Blackboy Lane, and Fuck Forever. Many thanks to Mary at and for documenting Pat's first performance with most of Shambles: ............................................................ .......................................................... ............................................................ ..........................................................

I'd like to meet:

A postcard from ezunfela who is enjoying Bumfest life on the beach:....... (_!_)...(_!_)...(_!_)...(_!_)... .............. ...(_!_)...(_!_)...(_!_)...(_!_).............(_!_)...(_!_).. .(_!_)...(_!_)......(_!_)...(_!_)...(_!_)...(_!_)... ......................................but just when things were going so well: Shark Attack!!: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~(_!_)~~~~(_!_)~~~~~(_!_)~~~~(_!_)~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,°)))))),°)))))))".....Have you ever had any equipment confiscated, stolen or lost?"Lost, on my birthday at manchester acadamy, had about 7 or 8 good recordings, and i lost it in the encore, as the crowd were going at it quite abit. Bit disappointing, good gig though."..... "Hackney empire I got told a few times to stop recording, So i gave up and watched it.".........Have you ever been thrown out of a gig for taping?...."Nope.".....If you could have an ideal world for tapers, what would that world be like?....."Umm somehow have a very small camera that would record everything perfectly and that i couldnt lose. But i like the challenge of recording the way i do sometimes, its fun." ............................................................ .........................................................."L ost Art of Murder", 29 June 2007, J.Ross:

............................................................ .......................................................... Jazzy, a photographer, has this to say:.... Why do you do it? Wouldn't the gig be more fun without the camera - or does every gig present its own challenges that adds to the fun?....... "But then who would document this important segment of British life? I started out being a street photographer, capturing every day events. This is a very important social event. I not only shoot the band, but photos of the crowdsurfers, rockers and ravers. I want to compile 10 years of material and see how fashions change and how people remain the same."......How do you do it?..... "with a camera! haha".....How do you choose each gig?..... "Well i shoot gigs of bands i know or that have seen me shooting somewhere else. Most of the time i am invited. My favourite band is the GST Cardinals, i just see when they're playing close enough and bring all my gear around.".....What equipment do you use?..... "photo: Canon EOS 350D and Canon Powershot A620 Video/sound: Canon Powershot A620".....What equipment would you like to use?..... "super 8 film camera and a fancy canon video (the hand-held kind they use for films and the like) Also better lenses for my Canon EOS."......How do you secure your position in the crowd and keep a steady hand?..... "Try to secure a place up as close to the front as possible and don't let the crowdsurfers and rockers move you away. At the Ramsays gig at the Carling Academy, i put my arms over the crash barrier and hung on for dear life. I got squashed and bruised, but i got some great photos! Another fantastic gig was GST Cardinals at the Adelphi in Hull. We were in a small room and people were crowdsurfing and moshing and rocking along, i couldn't keep really still i just held up the camera in the general direction and hoped for the best!".....How do you get away from the off-tune singers (those with cameras and sound)?..... "why bother? they made the night interesting. Lets keep put them in!".....What do you do with your recordings?..... "put the videos up on the net and make mp3 and give to the artist (which so far is really only the GST Cardinals and Lazy Baker)".....What is your favourite place on the net to put them up?..... "photos: and".....What is the recording you are most proud of (link please/download please)? "GST Cardinals - Sleep Alone LIVE at the Adelphi in Hull 15 July 2007".....Why is it your favourite?..... "This was a video that was almost completely black, i was able to salvage it, making it artistic, and i feel i got something that captured the night. This was a very special gig in a cramped, sweaty venue, and the most exciting one i've ever been to.....But for real favourites,they would be my photos. My favourite photo is this one:".....What is your most disappointing recording and why.... "i don't know, I'm happy to be able to get any kind of recording, really!".....Have you ever had any equipment confiscated, stolen or lost?..... "Although i've been asked to leave supermarkets, railway stations and the like when i did street shots, the only thing i've lost doing gigs is a skylight which disappeared amongst the crowdsurfers at the Ramsays gig.".....Have you ever been thrown out of a gig for taping?..... "no because the gigs i do tape are mostly the GST Cardinals! who are now friends of mine, so they ask me to come." ............................................................ .......................................................... Portraits of Pat Walden: DrunkenMonkey ........................................................... Jordyn ........................................................... Patrick photoshopped by Milly: ........................................................... Computer stencil by Katt: ........................................................... Photoshop by Katt: ........................................................... By Greenmind: ............................................................ .......................................................... ........................................................... Agishka's portraits of Peter: rkadyAgishk5-1.jpg.......................................... ............................................................ ................ Eva, Hooligan Guerilla's portraits of Peter:...................................................... ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ .. CHECK OUT THESE MISFIT DESIGN T-SHIRTS DESIGNED BY MICHELLE MISFIT AT ............................................................ .......................................................... ART FOR ARKADY BADGES: send in your address for a free set of large and small Art for Arkady can have a set of the Bunny or the Mask. Your address will not be kept on the computer. Currently the site is hacker and virus free so your personal information is safe. THE BADGES SHOWN HERE ARE MUCH LARGER THAN THE 33MM AND 25MM ACTUAL SIZE. SO, Bunny or Mask?: a href=" 9t&


by Winston: .

I thought it turned out quite artistic haha

Tell me what you think of the picture

............................................................ .......................................................... ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ........................................................ ............................................................ ..........................................................


............................................................ .......................................................... I got 'round to singing 'bout/ this gang of gin I'm in/ then you'll know most certainly/ the kind of game i'm in/just talking 'bout/ just slinging 'bout/ the gang of gin, I'm rollin' in, oh/ then you'll know, the kind of state I'm in/who will buy my beautfil roses/ who will buy my beautiful so-ong/ who will buy my beautfil roses/ who will buy my beautiful so-ong/ oh in a nutshell/ in a nutshell, no/ in a nutshell/ in a nutshell/I got 'round to singin' 'bout/ this gang of gin I'm in/ oh then you'll know/ the kind of game i'm in/she was getting pally/ with the scally in the alley/ giving head for gear/ called a spade a spade/ got a slit from ear to ear/who will buy my beautiful roses/ who will buy my beautiful so-ongs/ who will buy my beautiful roses/ Lyrics provided by Don't Look Back/Artwork by Sarah Rollerskate ............................................................ .......................................................... who will buy my beautiful song/well I show no decorum/ spill my heart out on the forum/ it's like a snapshot of/ the most tragic day/ I would tell you my story,/ but treachery it bores me/ carl and mcgee both promised me/ it would not happen this way/carl is kept sedated/ the frontman elevated/ and Mcgee doing all he can/ to ruin my band/ and keep me out the way/in this industry of fools,/ muscle men and ghouls/ if you're not a puppet or a muppet/ then you might as well call it a day,/ ay-ay/the truth it gets distorted/ the wall scrapings get snorted/ I'm welcome back/ if I give up crack/ but you gave me/ my first pipe anyway, no/ can't show no decorum/ post left on the forum/ it's like a snapshot of/ the most tragic day/ oh yay/ ........................................................... Gang of Gin - Babyshambles Vol. 1 - Live - Patrick Walden shines: ............................................................ ..........................................................


............................................................ .......................................................... Stay Inspired: ............................................................ .......................................................... by Jazzy Lemon: ............................................................ .......................................................... by t'horrowshow, "Where's Pete?":


............................................................ .......................................................... ............................................................ .......................................................... Boheme: ............................................................ .......................................................... Cuckoo 1440 comes from the spine of this book: ............................................................ .......................................................... ............................................................ .......................................................... Allen Ginsberg, Beat poet, talks about his epic poem "Howl" and writing poetry. The video is about fifteen minutes long: ............................................................ ..........................................................


Apologies for the loss of the Birthday Exhibition. But you can still view it in the blog. It is a very good idea to subscribe to the blog.........Graffiti Exhibition from April 2007 and Cartoons, Journals, Pages and Portraits from May 2007 are now in the blog along with The Left Column May 2007. ............................................................ .......................................................... by Jazzy Lemon: ............................................................ .......................................................... by Sarah Rollerskate: ............................................................ Kez:


My Blog

Sarah Rollerskate’s Tshirt site

acuPUNKture ...
Posted by Art for Arkady on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 01:22:00 PST

Andy Gill’s review of Shotter’s Nation in The Independent

From "The Independent" - rating 3/5 Reviewed by Andy Gill Published: 28 September 2007 Like Annie Lennox, Babyshambles have switched producers for the follow-up to Down In Albion, replacing Mick Jone...
Posted by Art for Arkady on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 01:10:00 PST

Guardian Reviews of Shotter’s Nation

Babyshambles, Shotter's nation (Parlophone) Alexis Petridis Friday September 28, 2007 The Guardian 3/5 Elsewhere, the View cover the Libertines' Don't Look Back Into the Sun. A cynic might say tha...
Posted by Art for Arkady on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 01:09:00 PST

How to get your Tshirts by Sarah Rollerskate

From the lass herself: *Hand painted T Shirts. Inspired by the fact that band tees these days are effortless shit, just like alot of the music actually. Anyway, this is a trial, just to see how it get...
Posted by Art for Arkady on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 12:54:00 PST

Michelle Misfit’s been sketching the French Dog

Posted by Art for Arkady on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 12:50:00 PST

New Tshirts designed and made by Sarah Rollerskate...

check them out on her new Myspace at the end of the pic spam... ..> ..>   ..> Post Whore ..>...
Posted by Art for Arkady on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 12:49:00 PST

Lyrics for Baddies Boogies from Shotter’s Nation

BADDIE'S BOOGIE Baddie's bound by ancient codes of decency and secrecy He understands about stabbin' backs and shaking hands So if or when you're behind bars or in front of them as you are Look out fo...
Posted by Art for Arkady on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 12:40:00 PST

Lyrics for French Dog Blues from Shotter’s Nation

FRENCH DOG BLUES I model lacklustre panicky in vain search for the remedy No words only melody come so I take the day off My love, my love she sits with me I love I love her company Raindrops on rose...
Posted by Art for Arkady on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 12:39:00 PST

Pics from the Drew Appreciation Thread at

Posted by Art for Arkady on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 06:16:00 PST

Pics: Mima’s Delivery single at home

Oh, and see what I received on Friday I´ve
Posted by Art for Arkady on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 06:01:00 PST