baking, cooking, writing, knitting... domestic affairs. oh yeah, and reiki - that's huge for me these days.
* those who're into holistic health, good food, crafty projects, and rockin' barters.
indie kids who let me trade baked goods for show admission: Le Bell Orchestre, The Hidden Cameras, The Arcade Fire, Jason Sharp...
i've also been spending a little too much time these days sorting through the gajillion songs Ryan recently plunked on my hard drive.
nothing sad, please. i'm a bit of a wuss. the sign of a good movie for me is something i'd want to watch more than once.
favourite movies of all time (be embarrassed for me if you must): Pretty in Pink, When Harry met Sally, Reality Bites, Antonia's Line, New Waterford Girl, Billy Elliot, But I'm a Cheerleader.
recently seen movies: The Notorious Bettie Page, Volver, Little Miss Sunshine.
and if you want to learn something important, rent The Future of Food.
seasons of teevee shows on DVD: Queer as Folk, Six Feet Under, Grey's Anatomy... you name it.
though i've been devouring cookbooks like trashy romance novels for a few years now (my collection currently boasts more than 70 titles), reiki books have a firm place by my bedside these days.
some of my favourite books/novels tend to be by San Francisco-based dykes: Michelle Tea, Erika Lopez, Inga Muscio... i'm also a big fan of Natalie Goldberg and Miriam Toews.
Caroline Dupont, Sat Dharam Kaur, Rebecca Wood, Vandana Shiva, Thich Nhat Hanh, Inga Muscio (google them - they're all wonderful healers in one way or another)... oh and my mum, of course.