DangerPug profile picture


I'm the Pug with attitude!

About Me

Hi, i'm Archie, i'm three years old and I live in Brighton, England. I'm originaly from Cambridge. I love short walks and eating, think you can take me on, I'll bloody get you you mong! Created with mySpace Profile Editor

My Interests

Food, pissin on peoples beds and smoking cigars.

I'd like to meet:

Any hot bitch that comes my way.


You having a laugh, I can't stand it.


Men in Black, Lord of the Rings (1-3), Pug in the city, any Gangster movies (layer Cake, Lock stock and two smoking barrels) etc.


Eastenders "you slag", Loose women, sex and the city, Friday night with Jonathan Ross.


Anything i can piss on.


Frank from MIB.