My brother Lucky Bird!!!!!!!!!!!!!!He sure makes a lot of noise! check out my pics sections and comment him.
I love playing, going for walks, sleeping, eating, snorting, sniffing, sneezing, biting hands and feet (not enough to hurt though), riding in cars, fighting with Tuffy Ray, treats
Picture by my friend Lostie!!! Thanks you are the best!!!
Pic by my great friend Ginny!! Isn't she just the hottest!! She rules......... :)
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I like anything my Dad does; for some reason I seem to bob my head to Bob Marley!!!!
Milo & Otis, The Fox & The Hound, Men In Black; Anchorman
I love Scooby Doo!!!!!!!!!!! and any commercials with dogs......but I don't like the one where the Pug has fleas and the other dog doesn't. At least the Pug tricks him in the end and sends him flying into the pool!!