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I am here for Friends

About Me

Well what can I say about me? I think I am a fun loving happy person. Life is full of lessons and I learn something new each day. I love my family and my pets, hey they are my top friends lol (sister, sister-in-law, nieces and my cousins are in my top list also). Then my childern which are my cowokers past and present. I am the oldest and most of them call me mom anyways. I love to read , sing and play slot machines. I also sell avon and I love their products. The link to my website is on the bottom of my page so if you need an avon lady please visit my page. It can be shipped anywhere in the U.S. Oh and I love my country God Bless the USA!!!!! I have been doing a lot of extra time raising money for the American Cancer Society. My dad is a survivor and I lost my grandma and my great grandma to it. I love my family and I don't care if you like it or not. We are all very close. We fuss and argue but we all love each other very much. I run karaoke shows in my spare time and love singing. I love pugs and my family owns a couple. My heart was also stolen by a little chihauhau who I love to pieces. I also know that my faith gets me by. My life not be what I imagined it to be, but I know God is leading me on. Boy what a ride life is and he pushes me to the limit but God always sees me through. Right now I am gearing up for the American Cancer Societys Making Strides For Breast Cancer walk here in Pensacola. It is a 3 mile walk for one mall to the other. If anyone has a few extra bucks to spare would you please drop by my cancer site and make a donation. It does not matter how big or small. Every dollar helps save a life. Just go to Once you go click on donate. Then click on search for walker. Then put in my name Julie Harper. Then follow the easy instructions. You can even print up a reciept and take it off your taxes.Hey if you live here join the team. Last year there was almost 5000 walkers. This year I am walking for my friend Cindy. She lost her battle at only 40 years of age. So help us save more lives where noone else has to go through this. Well this is getting long I am glad you stopped by to visit my page. Have a great day and God Bless!!! Tag: Img: [IMG][/IMG] Url:

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I'd like to meet:

Anyone who is sincere and honest. Pets and friends especially pugs. Anyone who just wants to chat.

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Welcome to my friends

Well I am here on my space now and can't wait to see how many friends I make. To all of you who work with me, what's up. I love you guys. Glad you all told me about this. I look forward to chatting wi...
Posted by on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 18:49:00 GMT