goth clothing, design, drawing, music, MSI, S&M, punk rock, cradle of filth, dani davey, marilyn manson, kurt cobain theories, 80's music and clothing, dita von teese, burlesque, modeling, japanese food, geisha people, go go dancing, smoking, drinking (jager is god)
.. Myspace Layout
..anyone, unless your
a whore (male or female)
a liarwell im not on here too much but im always on aim!!! sn=danifilthswife hit me uup
a AFI, Rammsteins, Dir en Grey,malice mizer, HIM, Marilyn manson, coal chamber, orgy,lamb of god, the adicts, lower class brats, cheap sex, crass, cradle of filth, buzzcocks, dimmu borgir, david bowie, disturbed, dropkick murphys, flogging molly, lacuna coil, minor threat, pink floyd, postal service, rasputina,slipknot, subhumans, system of a down, the casualties, tiger army, utada hikaru, within temptation, nightwish, interpol, the juliana theory,the distillers,vnv nation, birthday massacre, combichrist, dirty sanchez, KMFDM, wumpscut, the exploited and quite a few others in my diverse taste
slc punk, bowling for columbine, labyrinth, rocky horror, perfect blue, battle royale, suicide circle, ichi the killer, cradle of fear, Ghost ship, the dark crystal, club dread, Utena, sorcerer hunters, kill bill, highlander (weird isnt it?) scary movie 2, pirates of the carribean, thirteen, rat race, the waterboy, etc etc
t.v is for only when im bored and have nothing better to do
h.p love craft, battle royale, fushigi yugi, lirael, sabriel, ranma,
mana, kyo and asano tadanobu, peter gaiten