The Green Letter Tour 2007 says Goodbye St. Louis, Hello Indianapolis!
Leslie's Bio
Todd's Bio
Jen's Bio
October/November 2007
Jen and Leslie are embarking on a mini-tour in the fall (sans Todd, unfortunately) called The Green LETTER Tour. We'll be sharing our music with all of you lovely folks once again in the name of global warming awareness. The Green Letter Tour is a letter-writing campaign in that we'll help you become more proactive within your own communities by researching city and state office representatives who have the power to make change happen. We'll have all the info you need printed on postcards, arming you with the knowledge and means to make things happen in your own towns. All you have to do is come to a show, snag a postcard, and mail it in. Together, we can make a difference. See you out there!
May 2007
As three songwriters, our goals for The Green Light Tour are simple: bring together three great solo artists with great music and travel this land of ours (and the wonderful lands of our neighbors to the north) to raise awareness for and take action to curb the continued lifestyles that compound the global warming threat.
Each of us leaves an environmental footprint just about everywhere we go. When we turn on light switches, drive our cars, put out the trash, even make coffee! In the process of creating our own footprint as we travel across the country by car, The Green Light Tour will be taking action in each city we play to offset the impact of our own CO2 emissions. We will do this by planting trees in each city we visit, with the help of local and regional environmental groups, city planners, local press and radio. We are also lining up a host of sponsors to provide enviro-prizes to be raffled off at each show and to provide information to be disseminated to all our audiences about the simple things we each can do to lessen our everyday, individual environmental impacts.
We feel that as performers and songwriters we have a responsibility to further the progress of social development and sustainable living for the generations ahead. Using our music and the stages we’ll be playing, we’re bringing a great show for a great cause to your city!
We need your help! If you believe in our cause, please send us a donation! Your contribution will be used to help fund this tour by paying for the enviro-prizes such as the CFL lightbulbs we'll be raffling off, the trees we'll be planting, as well as our gas to get around! Donate any amount you can. Every little bit helps!
If you are able to donate $25 or more, we'll throw in a free CD of your choice (Todd, Jen, or Leslie) or a free ticket to our show, just as an extra 'thank you' for joining us in supporting this worthy cause. We thank you!!!