Many & varied!! Fishing with Nightbreed lolol :D
Musicians, djs, producers, artists, and cool people with intelligence!
Danzig!!! Future Prophecies!!! DnB, NIN, Ministry, Twiztid, Adam F, The Cult, Rob Zombie, Fresh, J Majik, Nightbreed, Dark Lotus, ICP, BT, Sander K, Breakfastaz, Freestylers, Autobots, Morcheeba, Billie Holliday, PJ Harvey, Fugazi, Dead Kennedys, Jane's Addiction, RHCP, Ice-T, & on & on & on...
Support LOCAL MUSIC and the music you love!!
All these bands are WORTH checking out: MUDJUNKIE(RIP), The Ziggurat, No Speed Limit
Get this video and more at
American Psycho,The Serpent & the Rainbow, Salem's Lot,
Cabaret, Alice in Wonderland, Event Horizon, Training Day,
(older) Italian Giallo & Horror movies &
Night of the Living Nightbreed!!--oops I mean Dead!!
Which Horror Movie Are You?
Dawn Of The Dead
You take pride in being different. You don't follow any trend, you don't follow any path of life - although this isn't the way it has always been. You used to conform for the masses - you were just like everyone else. Whatever your reasons were, you changed, and are now having fun being an individual and standing out above the rest.
Go Blue Devils!! (i love my my college basketball!)
there are still people that read books???
H.P. Lovecraft, Aleister Crowley, Anne Rice, Clive Barker,
'The Story of O' by Pauline Reage