Thor profile picture


Midgard or Bust

About Me

I was born to Odin, the All-Father of the Asgardian gods. My moms is Gaia, the goddess of the Earth. My early years were pure Hades (sorry for mixing up my theologies) due to the hijinks and shenanigans of my half-brother Loki.When I grew up, I took a well-paying gig as the Norse God of Thunder. I maintained that position for a number of millenia. However, Dads thought I was getting "too big for my loincloth," as he put it, and so sent me to Midgard to learn humility. Always the entrepeneur, I decided to use my powers for good and became one of the original Avengers.

My Interests

Saving the world, lifting weights, learning humility, burritos.

I'd like to meet:

Women who like thunderstorms.


M. C. Hammer; Peter Gabriel ("I Want to Be Your Sledgehammer"); Garth Brooks ("And the Thunder Rolls")


Hammer Toe; Hammer it Down, Hank; Rolling Thunder; Thunder Alley


Myself; Odin; Guy Gardner