Portaudio profile picture


Studio and On-Location Recording

About Me

Portaudio is a Northamptonshire based mobile recording service that offers a high quality solution for all musicians wanting to capture their sound; from solo acoustic guitar to complete electric rock bands, or from a single piano player to a 30-piece orchestra, whether you are playing in a large hall, a pub function room, or your garage. For more information, please take a look at www.portaudio.co.uk.
Freehold Street rehearsal studios (http://www.myspace.com/freeholdstudios) are available for recording demos. Special Offer now available at Freehold -- record 2 tracks for £89! For more info on this, contact Lionel on 07905 227612 or email [email protected].
Below in the music section is an mp3 player with some snippets from artists I've worked with. There is a selection of live songs, as well as songs recorded at Freehold St Studios.
New tracks now up -- New song by The Diggers now up (Recorded at Freehold St Studios) -- Bushpigs and Motherlode live at Twinfest 2007 still there, also Miller's Hag and Hungry I (both live).

My Interests


I made this music playlist at MyFlashFetish .com.


I made this MySpace Music Player at MyFlashFetish .com.