We're THE NAISHON! There's a long story behind our exteremly odd spelling, which i can't be bothered to tell you about right now, but it's not because we carn't spel proparlie!!!but here are a few facts :)
-We're a young Alternative/Rock group from the lovely little town of Northampton, aged between 16-17, conceived in October 2005 and we're very close mates!
-Anyway, our performances are about one thing only...generally having a good laugh, playing fun songs and..er..blowing people's minds...yeah
-The music's inspired by classic, more recent bands and even local bands! check out the influences bit :)
-I suppose you could say we've done everything from coming on stage pretty much naked to locking each other outside a hotel window, but we shan't dwell on that at the moment. The Naishon have had their share of press and radio coverage i spose, including a feature on the Christian O'Connell show on Virgin Radio and a recent session for the BBC, as well being featured numerous times in Northampton's Chronicle and Echo and 'fampton's very own MUSIC FOR SQUARES!...errhhmm, and also a feature in London's Evening Standard...expect to see more of The Naishon in future!!!
Anyway, have a listen to our stuff, see what you reckon, leave your comments or whatever, and if you promote bands and want us to do a gig, well....YOU CAN'T HAVE US!!!!!.....unless you message us! or you can e-mail at [email protected] :) ask us about a CD if you'd like one :)
cheers for reading!
cheerio for now
"The most amazing thing about The Naishon is not that the drummer is the frontman, or that their collective age is a mere 64 years young, or that, until Squares pointed it out, they had totally missed the fact that their play on the word 'nation' echoes The Beatles' own cunning naming techniques. It's not even that in the third track on their EP, 'The Summer Song,' they could quite easily have a Number One hit worthy of any Hot Summer Anthems Volume 954 compilations. No. The most amazing thing about The Naishon is that they sound like bands they've not even discovered yet - the poppiest of Fountains of Wayne's pop bits, the grooviest of Led Zeppelin's groovy bits, the most triumphant of The Clash's triumphant bits. In short, they're flying the flag for The Naishon, and they doing a bloody good job of it. Did I mention the drummer is the frontman? Flippin' ace."
Natasha House, Music For SquaresBRAND NEW VIDEO! Here's what we look like on stage (sometimes), this is a cover of Klaxons - Atlantis To Interzone, live at The Racehorse in Northampton, 10/3/07
The Naishon-Atlantis To Interzone cover @ Racehorse, Northampton
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