i like to write tails and poesy, reed novels, play guitar, drink beer,play pump it up, i love RPG games, anime, nature, ecology, photograpy, the naked body of beautifull girls
some rock, all metal, electronica, EBM, dark-wave, violins, chellos
kill bill 1,2, lord of the rings 1-3, figth club, Pi, toy story 1-2, alien, matrix 1-3 and animatrix, akira, the ring, silence of thelambs, hannibal, constantine,
i dont have tv but i watch Anime ¡n my pc like elfenlied, fullmetal alchemist, one piece, blech, 2x2=shinobuden, dragon boll all, dokuro-chan, naruto, death note, susumiya haruhi no jutsu, saikano.
Hammlett and the half of stories of sakkespeare, some ones of ann rice, alan poe , the psicoanalist, trafalgar, cronicas marcianas y policias y ladrone de trino,
Hammlett, domo-kun, goku,