travel, graffiti &street art of all kinds, bartending, body modification, mopeds, mopeds, taserham, mopeds, dumpster diving, railyards &traintracks, the stories behind yer scars, baking &baking &baking, collar bones, booze &beer &grub, antiques & trinkets, hips &hands, hunting tourists, sewing &always, recycling fashion, cellos, shiny things, musical saws and other quirky instruments, kissing by the trains, spray paint and stencil graffiti.
cut&collect: skeleton keys &old locks, hearts, feathers &bones, strange antiques.
people to make my heart race and have adventures with. someone to take a nap with. bartenders, cute boys, stray cats, story tellers. someone to teach me how to play cello and/or musical saw. people with good scams. people with ideas involving semi-permanent to permanent unsolicited public artwork. maps of good dumpsters in a variety of cities and someone to climb inside with. someone for midnight bicycle rides through georgetown alleyways. vandalists &artists, makers of mischief and beauty, &good kissers.
godspeed you! black emperor (i said kiss me, you're beautiful..), converge, placebo, gogol bordello, ¡BLUDMUFFN!, yann tiersen, david bowie, the pogues, nick cave, t. rex, mastodon, catharsis, modest mouse, against me!, HRSTA, the ramones, wolf parade, the specials, the misfits, a hawk and a hacksaw, neurosis, ¡tchkung!, the blood brothers, xiu xiu, the unicorns, tiny vipers, the streets, spike jones city slickers, and the hideous thieves, louis armstrong, ella fitzgerald, immortal technique, filastine, fifths of seven, dead kennedys, lightning bolt, ire, isis, zegota, the arcade fire, molasses, the geraldine fibbers, aesop rock, rasputina, muse, the yeah yeah yeahs, portishead, the mile end ladies, defiance ohio, infernal noise brigade, sigur rós, johnny cash, neutral milk hotel, hint hint, grizzly bear, the gits, the silver mount zion memorial orchestra and tra la la band... ++&give me the sounds of trains.
the city of lost children, the motorcycle diaries, the prestige, the black dahlia, the triplets of belleville, kung-fu hustle, ghost dog, stranger than fiction, trainspotting, garden state, crimethinc's guerilla film series vol 1, the boondock saints, little miss sunshine, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, dead man, fight club, lain; serial experiments, waiting, office space, the proposition, borat!, 12 monkeys, delicatessen, amelié, ghibli films... +
only on dvd; the ali g show, house m.d., aquateen hunger force, robot chicken, the venture brothers, the boondocks, dead like me, FLCL, sealab 2021...
so many...