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All of my truths are broken, They're fragments of love and hate, The words that remain are a token,

About Me

Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality. But, of course, only those who have personality and emotions know what it means to want to escape from these things.

T. S. Eliot

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I feel things VERY deeply and tend to overthink (okay, i've been called "high minded" that good or bad?). My poetry (in most cases) does a pretty good job at expressing all my emotion (check out my blog). I love the beginning of romantic relationships, that all-consuming feeling when you can't get enough of that person. The anticipation of the first kiss. I love to fall in love and feel the pain of the ending (hopefully it won't end, but most times it does). The pain of a broken heart is so gut-wrenching it brings forth such emotion, i can't wait to get it all down on paper and blow it into the air. And, if you're lucky, you learn and grow from it.
I hate needy chicks that jump from man-to-man looking for them to validate them in some way. I wanna shake them and say, "you can be alone, its OKAY". Like they can't breath without a man or something..and then wonder why they pick jerks...because you're so desperate-seeking you'll pick anything that comes along.
What's with the married men all the sudden approaching me. Do I have "marriage wrecker" tatooed on my forehead or something. Go home and grab your wife like you grab a beer. Pay her some attention for phuck sake! And don't eye ball me!
Okay, my vitriol is done.
Have a great day!
Thank you.
~ Thought Searching for Memory ~
The foresight of a raven
I see behind my eyes
The caustic smell of death
A songbird hear my cries
A roadside attraction
Black pavement is my plate
Feasting on a carcass
As wolves they salivate
They crave a little taste
Of this death absorbing light
I flap my wings and leave for them
The nightmare of my plight
With slow wing beats I move along
Forever flying free
In hopes, one time
that I might find
A bird to fly with me

My Interests

Life interests me. I'm always up to new experiences, new people. I'll try anything once.

Life is a series of 10-second's the decisions you make in those pivotal moments that steer your course. Chose them wisely and be open to everything!

I'd like to meet:

Contact Tables



Thank You for Smoking (just saw it and LOVED IT), Fight Club, Godfather Part 1, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill Vol 1 & 2, Reservoir Dogs and countless others


Sex and the City, The Sopranos, Curb your Enthusiasm. Who has time for TV when your glued to the that's a time eater!



Okay, i usually think stuff like this is bullshit, but this was balls-on accurate....scaringly so!!

What Tarot Card Are You?? [12 outcomes+breathtaking pics]
The Moon card is all about the mysteries, emotions, intuitions, seduction and fear of the unknown. It suggests that the seeker is confused, but situations are resolving themselves slowly. The seeker must allow things to take their course and not try to force issues that they may not fully understand yet. Be careful not to let anything deceive you.
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My Blog


Weeks of silence (my ears they bled) Resurrected today (back from the dead)   Inhaling each and every verse Possessed by some enchanted curse He draws, and lures, and pulls me in I'm absolutely l...
Posted by ~ Ren ~ on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 01:23:00 PST

The Heart of a Boy, Now a Man I Once Knew

Our souls are as one Melded together Dancing on air Blown like a feather Familiar feelings Flutter within Weightless chest Bursting from skin I am the moth He serves as the fire Long to be burned Full...
Posted by ~ Ren ~ on Mon, 28 May 2007 01:00:00 PST

The Illusionist

    Wielding illusions with a brush of his hand believing I'm reading the heart of a man words wrapped in ribbons all perfectly tied swaddled enigma so true eyes can't find infinite meaning ...
Posted by ~ Ren ~ on Thu, 24 May 2007 04:58:00 PST

That Familiar Smell (Audio)

That Familiar Smell  click here (EROTICA)
Posted by ~ Ren ~ on Tue, 22 May 2007 04:57:00 PST

Bookmarked His Heart

The brilliance of his heart song It still amazes me The way my heart it sings along His words they comfort me   A wave of weightless water He washes through my mind Cleansing all those memories T...
Posted by ~ Ren ~ on Sun, 20 May 2007 10:52:00 PST

A Poet's Life

Do I write of love? Do I write of life? Do I write with my heart that bleeds from this knife? I write I write I write A poet's life So, I write write and bleed my day away painting words with w...
Posted by ~ Ren ~ on Sat, 19 May 2007 05:58:00 PST

Random Thoughts from a Spotted Mind

Am I really that jaded That when I look at a man All I see is that he just wants to fuck me   Just fuck me   Am I really that bitter That all I think is they're shallow Incapable of depth on...
Posted by ~ Ren ~ on Tue, 15 May 2007 12:53:00 PST

Blindsided on a Friday Morning

His memory blew through me today In that old familiar yellow way Craving how he played my heart We danced in clouds Has he forgot? Nostalgia wraps me in his prose "That Place" I sometimes like to go I...
Posted by ~ Ren ~ on Fri, 11 May 2007 08:19:00 PST

His Springtime Abyss

The springtime of his voodoo His charismatic essence lures me floating in his ecstasy Gheppeto controlling me Leaves are in bloom while blue bird bells ring Stamen engorged while my flower it sin...
Posted by ~ Ren ~ on Thu, 03 May 2007 02:33:00 PST

He's My Muse

Mysterious in character Black leather that he wears Pretending not to notice The way my eyes they tear Ripping off his clothing I strip him with my eyes Imagining ~ quite vividly His flush between my ...
Posted by ~ Ren ~ on Tue, 01 May 2007 04:39:00 PST