Jesus, listening to music whenever possible, travelling, missions stuff, sunsets & sunrises, (& surprises :), nature in general, watching people, meeting people, hanging out w/ people, connecting & sharing meals with people & hearing their stories, talking in crazy voices around friends, reading, rummage sales, thrift shopping, writing, babysitting, driving, ummmmm, learning, growing, changing, being, etc.... are those interests?, music, hangin' out/chillin', (little known fact: doing drywall, painting, & working on houses, believe it or not)!, & in case i didn't mention it already, music!
Anyone. Anyone at all.Background Photo By
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Passion Band, Desperation Band, Hillsong United, Jars of Clay, Casting Crowns, Caedmon's Call, Mercy Me, Watermark (Nathan & Christy Nockels), Reflect, Selah, Chris Tomlin, Jeff Deyo, Darrell Evans, Shane & Shane, Matt Redman, Stuart Townend, Charlie Hall, Danen Kane, Enter the Worship Circle (100 Portraits/Waterdeep), Madison Greene, Bebo Norman, Fernando Ortega, Andrew Peterson, MWS, Chris Rice, Derek Webb, Bethany Dillon, Natalie Grant, Kim Hill, Sarah Kelly, Nichole Nordeman, Rita Springer, Katie Nelson, Margaret Becker, Michelle Tumes, Sara Groves, Ginny Owens, Misty Edwards, Norah Jones, Sarah McLachlan, Lisa Loeb, Counting Crows, Nickel Creek, Oasis, Wolfy, Five Iron Frenzy (R.I.P.), Avril Lavigne, Switchfoot, Relient K
Chronicles of Narnia, Just Like Heaven, Princess Bride, Mr. Holland's Opus, Brian's Song, Sense and Sensibility, Don Juan Demarco, Last of the Mohicans, The Mission, Titanic, The Sound of Music, Sleepless in Seattle, City of Angels, You've Got Mail, Wings of Desire, Gone w/ the Wind, In the Land of Women, Braveheart, Gladiator, Rocky, Top Gun, Apollo 13, the Matrix, the Lord of the Rings, Dreamer, English Patient, all the Police Academy movies, Daddy Day Camp, Napoleon Dynamite, Back to the Future (trilogy), the Sandbox, Amazing Grace, the Ultimate Gift.
The Office. Anything else besides that just doesn't compare. It's pretty much the best & greatest show ever invented!
the Bible, anything by Brennan Manning, Chuck Swindoll, or Jill Briscoe; Journey of Desire, Captivating, Strong Women/Soft Hearts, Waking the Dead, Blue Like Jazz, Searching for God Knows What, Dangerous Wonder, Messy Spirituality, A Place of Quiet Rest, A Resilient Life, My Heart's Desire, Sacred Romance, Epic, To Be Told, Love That Lasts, Scribbling in the Sand, Chasing Daylight, Things Unseen, Beloved, Allure of Hope, Ruthless Trust, As Silver Refined, How People Grow, A Love that Never Fails, a Little Pot of Oil, Velvet Elvis, Purpose Driven Life, Improving Your Serve, Hope Again
Jesus Christ, the apostle Paul, William Carey, Amy Carmichael, George Muller, Fannie Crosby, Brennan Manning, Chuck Swindoll, Greg Laurie, Joni Eareckson Tada, Billy Graham, Gordon McDonald, Bill & Janet Lenz, Gary & Kay Thompson, Jill Briscoe, Cindie Haese, Jonah Nelson, John Hammen, Colleen & Dan from AMP'ed, Dave Lehman, my grandparents, prison ministers & chaplains, Joe Pullen, all soldiers, anyone who'll go to the ends of the earth in His name.