You see a man's face
But you don't see his heart
You see a man's face
But you will never know his thoughts
i am fucking awkward. i think that's the best all encompassing word to describe myself.
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most people think i'm a cunt. some think i am a fun cunt.
the patient ones i call friends.
i ♥ where i live. i am surrounded by culture and diversity. keeps life interesting ;p
i have a retarded sense of humor.
i am OBSESSED with thesuperficial.com & perezhilton.com
i suffer from chronic 'foot-in-the-mouth' disease.
i absolutely idolize Audrey Hepburn.
i've been a sucker for a smile (lessons learned). sometimes i think i'm too nice for my own good. i'm extremely stubborn. i don't have too many dear friends, because i don't like too many people. the ones i love i would die for in a heartbeat. i loathe talking on the phone i'm an only child. yes, i was spoiled and i am a brat. i have a pottymouth. people can't handle it.
i AM ghetto fabulous.
i hate phony people (u should know who you are, but if you don't i can remind you). i am a geek at heart. if i could have it my way, i'd be in school forever. i hate people who speak in im. i ♥ tube socks!! i'll pretty much approve anyone, unless you look irritating and/or criminal. i AM the coolest person you will EVER meet.
Sun Sign: Cancer
Sun 3° Cancer 05' Cancer Horoscope
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Moon Sign: Pisces
Moon 27° Pisces 00' Pisces Horoscope
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Rising Sign: Libra
Ascendant 4° Libra 16' Libra Horoscope
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Congratulations darling! You're Holly Golightly
from Breakfast at Tiffanys. You love a good
party and you always look fabulous, but you're
really just looking for that one man who isn't
a rat.
Which Audrey Hepburn Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
♥ my inquisitive sidewards glance....trying so desperately to look like my idol......and failing...haha ♥
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"If I were to wish for anything, I should not wish for wealth and power, but for the passionate sense of the potential, for the eye which, ever young and ardent, sees the possible."
- Soren Kierkegaard
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i hate filling these things out, cos i feel like a jackass talking about myself...so here's a brief synopsis: my background is polish, german, ukrainian....and on occasion dominican...i have an illegitimate sister named lissette with whom i share a brain. i may actually have yet another illegitimate sibling in poland, cos my dad was once a sailor playboy...which explains my pottymouth. i am born and raised 1st gen. jerseyan...hell fucking yea. jersey rocks, if you don't agree, than obviously, you've never been exposed to the toxic linden air ;p before you ask, i'm exit 15e. like i've said before: as far as i'm concerned, jersey city is the center of the universe.
Jersey City: Recently voted the no. 3 Happiest City in the US.
conveniently located between gayonne and homoken. hmm. what else? music is my life. i eat, sleep and breathe music. if i had a sdtrk to my life the bands to the left would be on it (plus about 10000 more i didn't mention) i love a good argument. not a knock down, drag out fight...but just a good argument ;p yes. i am opinionated. but i'm also pretty openminded. my closest friends call me "bat," "muszla," or "anka." if you don't know why, it's cos we're not friends ;p oh. and you won't find naked pics here...there's a subscription site for that....j/k...that's all i'm tellin. if you want to know more you can go to: my outdated site where you won't find any naked pix either. if you don't want to know more, that's your loss ;p
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