Lil Pocket Rockit profile picture

Lil Pocket Rockit

I keep hoping

About Me

--First things first. PLEASE message me before trying to add me, it is very much appreciated. If I don't respond right away, don't be offended - I'm horrible with e-mail. Thanks in advance.--
Ok....Me. Well...I am me. Trying to explain to people who you are is an almost impossible task. I can tell you what I think about myself, and what I like and don't like, but will you really know me? I think the answer is no. You may find that what I think about me is different than what YOU think about me. Therefore, technically, I'm simply relative to your opinion. Keep in mind, however, that your opinion is merely that - YOUR opinion, and will not change my own (unless you are really good at persuasion).
If you've gotten this far in my profile, and are really THAT curious about me I suppose I can give you a little bit of info: I'm short and have really tiny hands. I have an odd sense of humor and am really bad at telling long jokes. I have a nice (but crooked) smile. I don't really have any "hobbies", instead I enjoy doing a wide variety of things, just not consistently. It makes me really, REALLY happy if someone enjoys something I have cooked, and think it's a huge compliment if they finish their plate and ask for seconds. And, I talk too much.
Oh yeah! I don't understand how I don't weigh 500lbs. I am ALWAYS HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I'm a grossly obese chicky stuck in my little and only slightly overweight self. If you ever ask me if I'm hungry, and I say no, you should do one of the following:
1. Check my temperature because I might be severely ill.
2. Run far and run fast, as I may have been taken over by aliens.
3. Ask who the girl is. I'm also a member and founder of this really rad group called Lets Makeout . Check it out!!! YAY for Artwork by Mike..

My Interests

My interests may not interest you as much as they interest me, but I'll list a few anyway: Listening to music, skydiving, rock climbing, surfing, other various outdoor activities that usually end with a bruise and scraped knee, hanging with friends (as opposed to enemies), being silly, drinking hot chocolate (or chocolate milk if it's hot out), driving, people watching, learning, pretending I can dance, taking random pictures, laughing, singing in my car (but stopping when I think someone can see me), watching the sky, proving to people I'm stronger than they think, and just being me.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet nice people. I think there are a shortage of true and genuine people in this world. Most of us have become terribly cynical and mean. We've lost innocence and the ability to remember what it is to laugh and love life. I also wouldn't mind meeting people who can be silly and outrageous. People who aren't afraid to laugh or be laughed at. People who don't really care how much your jeans cost but how much ice cream you can eat in one sitting. People who go to places like the beach or to a pool, not for a suntan or to show off their bikini, but to chase the waves or do cannon balls. People who won't be embarassed when I start clapping in a movie theater. People who ask questions and say thank you. People who are great huggers. People who smile right from their heart.

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I am so crazy addicted to music. I can't concentrate if the room is silent. The only thing I don't like to do to music is sleep (unless it's sleep music), but just about anything else is way better with a beat or a melody.
The songs I put on my page are directly related to feelings and happenings in my life. It's amazing how people can write your feelings almost better than you can.object type="application/x-mplayer2" classid="6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6" height="45" width="280" ..


I don't like movies that scare me or make me cry, so don't ask me to do horror or chick flick night. I totally dig tricky mind playing action movies where all the bad guys die and you're like "WHOA" at the end, or movies that totally make me laugh, cheer and clap (all three of which I will do in a theater much to the dismay of those with me).


Television aka the Brain Melting Machine. I don't own officially own a TV, though there are two in my household (both belonging to other people). This does not mean I don't watch it, just that I place very little value on it. I'm much more interested in the even worse brain melting machine - a computer.


I like lots of books. I like to read. I like authors like David Eddings, Neil Gaimen, Ray Bradbury, Roald Dahl, etc. I love reading and am on the hunt for new books. If you have suggestions, please send em my way!


Heroes are every day people. If you look around just a little, you'll realize that heroes are everywhere. It's up to you to look hard enough to realize that.

My Blog

So very true.

I stole this from Dee. I like it very much indeed.-------We, the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, for so long, with so little, we ar...
Posted by Lil Pocket Rockit on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 04:36:00 PST

The US really does disgust me sometimes.

I just read this article. I've read other things that say very similar things. It's amazing to think that in the country that fancies themselves to be the best, we have the worst ethic when it comes...
Posted by Lil Pocket Rockit on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 09:51:00 PST

Why I Hate Ronald Reagan

I got really rudely yelled at and called names by a crazy guy in Santa Monica. Reagan cut all the funding for mental health care which is why all the crazies can run rampant!Here's the story: I was wa...
Posted by Lil Pocket Rockit on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 02:00:00 PST


In a state of unknownGoing nowhereWonderingWanderingTo goTo stayStuck in a frame of mindFrozen momentsWonderingWanderingTo hateTo love
Posted by Lil Pocket Rockit on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 10:32:00 PST


The way men think versus the way women think is pretty hilarious. It's really true that men can be simple and uncomplicated. They usually say what they mean. Women, however, read into everything, l...
Posted by Lil Pocket Rockit on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 09:18:00 PST

Hi, welcome to my heart, how can I help you today?

My friend Vanessa wrote this. She's totally awesome, and I thought it was a totally fun idea. It's INTERACTIVE.  If you read it, I want an answer at the end! ------------------------------------...
Posted by Lil Pocket Rockit on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 05:08:00 PST

Tagged AGAIN, haha

Okay, I've been "tagged." - AGAIN. I'm not sure if it's really allowed, but oh well. Here are 6 more random facts about me.The rules are, once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with "6 wei...
Posted by Lil Pocket Rockit on Tue, 28 Mar 2006 09:46:00 PST

The required New Years blog...

My life was turned upside down in 2005. It was by far one of the most life changing years of my life. In 2005 I: - Collected unemployment for the first time - Worked 4 different jobs, two of ...
Posted by Lil Pocket Rockit on Tue, 03 Jan 2006 12:14:00 PST

*ahem* A soap-box moment...

I saw this bulletin going around. It absolutely disgusts me. I wrote about it at the very end. ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction.Y...
Posted by Lil Pocket Rockit on Mon, 19 Dec 2005 09:29:00 PST

Oh yes, rub it in some more please

There is aboslutely nothing you can say about me right now that I am not thinking already. I know full well I am acting like a terrible person. So go ahead and tell me how shitty I am. Tell me ...
Posted by Lil Pocket Rockit on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 02:08:00 PST