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Fred Fredburger!!

I am here for Friends

About Me

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"My name is Fred Fredburger. I like myspace because I get to spell my name. I can spell my name REAL good!!! F..R..E..D..F..R..E..D....B..U..R...G.E.R Fred Fredburger, YES!! I like nachos, and pizza, and frozun yogert, and tacos. Sometimes nachos make my poo-poo REALLY stinky. I like music. Hey, who's house is that?"
Fred Fredburger first appeared on "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy" on January 13th, 2006, in the episode "Keeper of the Reaper" which was the second episode of season 6. (#61) Mr. Fredburger furthered his cult-like following after Cartoon Network used him, Cheese, Eduardo and Bloo from "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends" amung others in their "Cartoon Network, YES!" campaign. On July 24th, 2006, Fred Fredburger made his second, episode appearance in an episode named after himself, "Be A-Fred, Be very A-Fred" Both episodes are currently in rotation on Cartoon Network. Fred has also made a couple of appearances in issues of "Grim Tales From Down Below" in the July 30 and August 20 issues.
The voice of Fred Fredburger is supplied by C.H. Greenblatt. Greenblatt not only supplied the voice of our beloved snack craving friend, but wrote both episodes revolving around him. Greenblatt is also responsible for writing 2 episodes of "Evil Con Carne" which was once paired with "Billy and Mandy", under the title "Grim and Evil". Some of Greenblatt's other work includes writing 4 episodes of "Spongebob Squarepants". He is currently working on an animated show called "Chowder" in which he is the creator and executive producer. On Mr. Greenblatt's blog page, nerd armada, he had announced that he had designed a Fred Fredburger T-shirt and displayed it at the san diego Comic-Con.
the above information was acquired from and on 1/12/07 and on 3/3/07
to keep up with fred fredburger, check out the fred fredburger army. its chalk full of news, videos, games, etc.

My Interests

i like to wear hats, because i think they are important. i also like to build things. i could make really neat stuff like a table or maybe some chairs.

I'd like to meet:

Fred Fredburger-THE MOVIE... (best of)

frere jacques


i taste like nachos

me doing the pee pee dance


the grim adventures of billy and mandy. evil con carne. spongebob squarepants. foster's home for imaginary friends. teen titans. naruto. futurama. family guy.


mostly just paperwork.