I am an imaginary friend who was created by a small girl names Nina Valarosa to protect her from the bad parts of the neighborhood. However, after she created me for protection, she soon realized that I am a big fraidy cat and she abandoned me and created a new imaginary friend. That made me sad. I had nowhere to go, no friends and no home. I was scared. I heard about a foster home for imaginary friends that would take me in and keep me safe. Now I live in Madame Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. I have alot of friends at Madame Foster's and we are all available for adoption by a boy or girl who is looking for an imaginary friend. My friends are all really great, and I will do anything for them. I am usually scared most of the time but if my friends are in trouble I get angry and I have this bad habit of flying into a rage when it comes to protecting my friends. Some of my best friends at Madame Foster's are Blooregard Q. Kazoo a.k.a. Bloo, Coco, Wilt, Dutchess, Mac the 8 year old boy who created Bloo, Madame Foster who is 88 and created the home for her imaginary friend Mr. Herriman a.k.a. Funny Bunny and Frankie Madame Foster's 22 year old Grandaughter.