Hi there,Who is Earik?
- mid 30
- aka as daddy cool
- passion for: Isa, Anja, TLP, music, beer, ps2, psp
- Big Mouth (comes in handy on stage)
-Music (dûh) -Keeping my eyes closed for a longer period (aka sleeping) -PSP
PPPFFFF this seems to be impossible, but here's a scratch: Mr. Bungle, Cathedral, Death, Cynic, Kaada,Gordian Knot, Celestial Season (their rockin' period), King Crimson, Fantômas,Enslaved, Cloroform, Dillinger Escape Plan, Satyricon, Opeth, Nile,Faith No More, Mastodon, Autopsy, Bloodbath, Six Feet Under, Disillusion, I, Tom Waits,
All Tarantino stuff, Vanilla Sky, Fear & Loathing, B.W.P. 1st
The Lucifer Principle by Howard Bloom
Superman (the only real s-hero!)