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About Me

IRONY: THE STATE OF BEING IRON. .. div style="width:480px; text-align: center;" .. The Following Is A Long Rant. Why would anybody want to read this? I've got a lot of spelling mistakes coming so please refer to this piece to kill all of that:Typoglycemia I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch taem at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Such a cdonition is arppoiately cllaed Typoglycemia :)- Here's a song: Amzanig huh? Yaeh and yuo awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt

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Well, Here's an introduction: My name is thabo translates to Joy, and my last name is Mahopolo translates to Remembrance. That's enough about me.Here's is His Imperial Majesty; King Of Kings: Lord Of Lords: Lion Of Juda: Elect Of God: Ras TaFaRi Makonnen: Haile Selassie I translates to The Might Of The Trinity, born in Ethiopia (Psalm 87:4) Essentially what this is is a page on the internet world wide web called; where staydt abbreviates strength thru almighty yhwh discipleof truth/ stay doin' trouble/ stay doin thabo. We're not gonna get into all of that. Here's a Picture Of my favourite African King: Apparently there is a lot of substance in His name, and His Majesty has been blessed with a presence with Majestic magnificence and an Holy significance in His time under the sun, forever and infinitely on High in Mount Zion. I have a lot of favourites as I was born into a mountain Kingdom in the South in Africa established with King Moshoeshoe of the BaSotho people to which I'm a native. I also gravitate to the legendary likes of King Tshaka Zulu of the Zulu people, King David of The United Kingdom Of Bethlehem, King Solomon of Israel. There's a whole bunch of kings I like: King Michael Jackson of The Popular Music Fame, King Steve Harvey Of The Comedy Kingdom, King Bernie Mac, King Cedric The Entertainer, King DL Hughley, The Three Kings Of Orient, The Lion King Of Simba's Pride and so forth and so on. Kings are many, and so it goes without saying how I gravitate to the very KING OF KINGS himself, for the Kingdom of Kingship or Kingness or Kinglihood is inherently His. It's never that point that I'm making here, I'm just expressing my unchangeable love for Ras TaFaRi MaKoNneN KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS, LION OF JUDA Elect Of God. I don't know which way to go with a page like this, but I doubt that I need to, at a time like this, and so here's a them theme for the us and them type: Since there is an us and there is a them. I know they're spying, the them in these circles: They tried to put my picture in a frame. They tried to tarnish my name. And after killing the pain in grey smoke fumes they found more black under the tarnish too true to be good. Now I am studied in solitude, and so they hate my relationship with God: apparently too good to be true. Yet of course only to the them for whom it is such. Numbers games has them using mind slaves from lost generations to sell their impression of a righteous cause for rounds of applause. Yet they are quick to push pause to mute the voices of innocent truths because they are young so they despise their youth. Now their gods speak in vengeful realities in blunt contrasts to their illusions. Whether I share my piece or I keep it in lock we've arrived at a season and they're hoping to give it a reason for us to need them more to feed us more of what keeps us spitting these verses: an old fashioned vice with which to plant the seed that defines the portions of this culture that celebrate miseries after exploiting our truths to teach for precepts the doctrines of mankind. And so it will always looks like a show until it's real enough for you to wonder why you didn't acknowledge your own truth. Enticements and Lures have had the covetous following theirs as if it is not blunt, bold and blatant enough that they don't care. Is it not Clear Enough Every Where? Yet why dwell on it? Will They listen anyway? Do they think children born into this age care? What has been hidden from the wise and the prudent has been revealed to the babe and the sucklin'. What's there to aspire to in a vulture culture of blind sided conquest? It's getting too long. Here's a song. Don't get me wrong. We're really that strong. Why waste meaningful suggestion on a concieted lot when there's the option to reach for a thankful bong? Are you crazy???Come together as one. How good and how pleasant it would be before God and man for all brethren to dwell in unity. (psalm 133)also echoed by Bob Marley's Africa Unite: The very purpose for the establishment of the OAU (Organisation Of African Unity) by Ras TaFaRi Haile SelassIe I KING OF KINGS , LORD OF LORDS, LION OF JUDA. Well,.Time will continue to tell,.. I used to have dreams when my sleep was peaceful.I used to have sleep when my dreams were peaceful. I used to pray to God for protection direction and guidence. I am ever thankful for His everlasting providence especially and until I came to know the ways of my kind as a species devolvin' into beasts contrary to Darwin's theory. But yet rather more until I came to know the ninety fourth psalm at a time where my most fervent prayer was thanks to The Most High for creating us in this time as instruments of his vengeance.Ha ha! that's too funny. Did I just type that on the internet? I hate to get caught up in the euphoria of the moment. so I must point out that "I could be wrong". It's a convenient statement that passes for conventional humility though it usually suggests otherwise.So unfortunately "I could be right". Either way it goes though Haile Selassie :The Might Of The Trinity: Ras Tafari King Of Kings kept it choiceable and blunt.He needn't have said nor need say much because the way of the tree of life has been maintained since the foundation of the world (Genesis 3:24) and so now when they want to play God in the tree of life, thanks to How blind they'd hoped we'd be, they've gone far in they're insane pursuit to captivate vulnerable human minds with such common place vice as time and money, so that now my realities are illusion defined by them for your education to suit their hopes about you against your own about them us or yourself (crazy huh)!! Well, they have psyche wards experimenting with opium poppy (the raw material for heroin) on zombified patients accused with insanity, to extend their last hope in their pursuit for universal mind control to support their belonging with vanity, and obsession with owning all humanity.I'm thankful to God for my turn in their wards, where memories of ark pages and dark pages helped me celebrate His victories written underneath the despair in the eyes of lost souls with barely enough strength left to speak their own mind: a battle amidst voices in their head at a telepathic consciousness too rediculous for your erudite kind to aknowledge until first hand experience. I didn't even even sue; that's their style how they find a place in our time, and cripple our family ties with their faith in our blindness. Picture how easily they can antagonise amidst parties whose argument is dependent on a faith in their expertise. It's the easiest routine for conquest and mind-control amongst a know-it-all self-concieted kind who's furthest reaction is normally a written criticism of the divide-and-rule tactic in history class under the misguided impression it is all in the past. Think of the frustration of the insane!! Now sporadic cases of our self-betraying causes against our vivid truths speak for the Hand of God in a way foward for His children regardless of the lip-service values preached from and about Christs' love misunderstood for Utopian fantasy in some congregational settings, when in the flesh they would again crucify him for craving His soul after denying the Holy Ghost, and so blinding themselves from that JAH lives and The Spirit of Life testified is a prophetic truth bestowed to all His children everywhere.Hypocrites offer criticism as a constructive vice with which to obstruct faithfuls from their clandestine exploitation of the purpose of the word of YHWH.They prey on the ignorance of the gullible as if not yet JeHoVaH's One Begotten son, first begotten from the dead and only true Christ Jesus, delt his share of their kind with Scribes and Pharisees who use canned speeches and flashy apparel to advertise congregational celebrity in the name of worship, a tool with which to mask covetousness under the vulnerabilities of mob-psychology and collective euphoria misunderstood for divine intervention, so as to enjoy a sense of croud-oriented belonging talking things they never do, and doing things they never talk about, and then hiding behind strategic forgiveness: a tool with which to to pacify in order to perpetuate a clear lack of natural affection as a human race. Such is further handicaped by self-exalting tendencies with which to define positions about themselves they really haven't truly reached. And then they celebrate amongst each other the scorn at innocent sinners pouring their heart out to God without the help they think can only come from their well marketed limited perspectives of Christ. Yep. Frozen in time is this long rant, a fountain of the diamond tear drops shed by the rivers of Babylon when we remembered Zion. Now their agape at revelations of truths they thought were a mythical extention of their own creativity, blind to the true fruitfulness of pure faith, and the real friendly and Living presence of God in and with our souls. Essentially, if they don't see what we do how we see it then it's just not there. None of them can show you any reason for any one of their wars unless of course you're smart enough to accept understand the purposeless shedding of innocent blood. Fools like me need a shrink and prescription crack cocaine and heroin masked under their professional cons to sedate our consciousness of their mercenary truths lest they turn against and rend us. An ideal cultural token of faith in their circles is turning our children into confessional pros for sale to apease amongst a fad oriented population well-educated to define 80% of any future's market base, where signals are mixed. The cure for the chaos therein is temporarily available in the same market. So that they can dance to the miseries of our pain and maintain our place in the purpose of soul trade. Our bondage of fear amongst the populations of the opressed have our most fervent supplications and prayers marketed for purposes nowhere beyond temporal entertainment whilst the better portion of our time is spent behind bars, warring, slaving on streets as vagabonds seeking refuge in the glamour of volatile street entrepreneaurship with which to grow against odds imposed therein. We've been taught to look at the latter portion of our own path as a symbol of wanting as if the parameters that deliberately define poverties by the hand of elite crooks have ceased to exist. After all this does keep a steady supply of guinie-pigs with which to experiment in the professional portion of drug dealing. Don't they have a prescription drug to curb shyness?? (Roflmao) Ey, don't listen to me. What do I know? Just look around you. The Beast is in every city now. The time is at hand. I hate that my style is raw as I free lance thru these verses living in the natural mystic blowing through the air, puttin' in your face my pieces to share, where I didn't prepare. It isn't a game of truth or dare, I just couldn't turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to living truths like I didn't care. I celebrate that Babylon The Great Whore is fallen, Ha ha! It's funny how deeply I mean it, yet my thing is why would they want to identify with Babylon in the first place. I'd rather be thabo, before I'm roots, dread, or rasta in the first place because our battles about God depend on a consciousness most of us only wish we understood. The only relevant truth pertaining to any biblical character on my part is Christ's death at Calvary : Jesus Of NaZaReTh: King Of Kings and Lord Of Lords. I welcomed it with a wide open heart in Sunday school, because our teacher, she made it CLEAR that He died for MY sins. That's an automatic plus. I don't care what anyone says.I mean, what point can you possibly be making? It's more than just religion. The guy lived in the flesh and, of all things, considered the likes of such social deviants and outrageous outcasts and handicaps as thabo. That's a real G right there. He took it to the grave, took it to hell, and rose uo from it, and took it straight back to the omnipotent God of Jacob. He is The Son in the Trinity whose might redifined Ethiopia's Ras TaFaRi to Haile Selassie I. As well as Abram to Abraham, Jacob to Israel, and Saul to Paul, Sarai to Sarah, and so forth and so on. Forth staying Foward and On staying Lit. It's that simple.For me whether Haile Selassie is Jesus reincarnate, though it is flat out true, is slightly irrelevant when compared to His examplary leadership and faith in the very purpose for Christ's death, ressurection and life. His unchanging stedfastnesss in this truth. This way that touches so many with in a light that is pure POSITIVE. There is a purpose in the unfolding of events, regardless of how aderntly they try to preach and hold on to the failing principles by which they claim to govern themselves. The truth is clear. Thank God for the tree of life that bear twelve manner of fruit in the midst if His paradise who's leaves are for the healing of nations (Rev: 22) Their only vice left is a misplaced fear in man instead of God. I don't have that and I'm too stupid to learn it and so I'll never be a coward. For that I'm thankful to God for my ignorance, because as far as I know I have a living claim to a conquest of death in the name of your Christ Jesus of NaZaReTh. It's not a voting situation here (to help the sophisticated and socially advanced and civilised) There's nothing more rediculous than to wedge a political and socio-economic battle against God. I'm rolling on the floor right now, laughing my ass off (ROFLMAO!)I mean, do they remember that? What was that? Huh? God eternally bless Ras TaFaRi: Selassie I: KING OF KINGS, LORD OF LORDS, LION OF JUDA. God bless The Might Of His Holy Trinity. God bless His followers, as well as any thing God wants to bless. Never stop please. As far as I know God is my daddy ( refer to The Lords Prayer by Jesus of Nazareth) that's my pops. I mean I could be wrong I'm assuming that's what Our Father Which Art In Heaven means. Perhaps there's a better way to look at it? (ROFLMAO!)Now picture this: Why wouldn't I gravitate to such a free invitation to a winning team in the name of the very Christ some outstandingly well nurtued idiots try to use against Him? See? It gets crazy. That's that Seroquel Shrink Spy ware. I mean, they've lost it now. And we're the ones branded with insanity for blood banks and to be studied and then sold back by them to my own kind, because they trust our faith in their symbolic significance in framing a better way to think for us. Do you see my point? ha ha! Wait, wait,..What am I saying? Of course not. I'll get one of them to teach it to you since we better identify with the power and the glory of strangers. What could possibly come from a mind like mine?I mean seriously. And so "Abba Selah Chance". I fear Him cos' He's The Greatest of All Time; it's the begining of knowledge to do so. He's a Humble Champion who even created the devils that define our challenges, Yet my realities even have Satan begging to be on my team cos' my commitment is tempting, and evil is only a tool that I'm also thankful to your God for, the strength of African warriors that shed it and bled it the blood that cries from the grave, from slave graves to graves of the saved, watching changes happening to the paths that hope had paved, Only to wake up to a blinded future that tries to teach us that the Spirits in the air are dreams, and realities are taught by the same hand that deals us perpertual betrayal, as we run from our roots to chase after their fruit as we get vulnerable to the snares for the covetous in the name of ambition, and then wonder why we're baren???!!!as we enjoy a subdued impression of the securities we thought come with wealth, yet our grimace ridden plastic smiles amongst each other in our mature expression of business speak of an unmasked fear for the kinds we've trusted to lead us against ourselves. I hate that we're stupid when we are, but I'm thankful for my folly where my opportunity for growth is enough for me to be thankful for my every moment in this season of change,.. thabo Mahopolo a terrorist, what the fuck was that all about?? I magine that! That's how paranoid they get You aint never in your life heard of a Negro African thinking some petty civilised dumb ass shit like that and it will never happen that way. Keep that shit in your circles.Jet Black Diamond: I like that. I don't see why not 90% of the worlds diamonds come from South Africa, I'ma go ahead and be one. Rough Diamond. The end gem born from heat and pressure after decomposing and evolving naturally into,..etcetera and so forth. Get a text book.Ha ha! Jet Black Diamond. I'm only drawin' a metaphoric parallel from my love for parables, and this living paradox of change, held together by the same magnitude that keeps parallel pairs separated. (Roflmao!)Get it??It's real down here,pretty much everywhere now, no offence but we've never had a common terror. It Has always had to be taught by the them who contaminate our communicative vocabulary and thought pattern with such out ragous suggestion against the hubris taunting and haunting the clear turning point of capitalistic carnage,..You draw a Bad card, ha ha!! why it always be dread though, I swear at first this was only a hairstyle from my love for my hard-to-comb hair that easily twists thanks to my God given Afro nap. It's too funny at a real level what western civilisation has done to itself in an attempt to better define itself as a significant force in establishing the Universal Law Of Liberty: Only Christ deserves that credit, and we know how to pray for our selves. There's no image left to sell to the real people any more, nothing was ever created that stupid by the hand of God, and nothing ever will, Just keep it real and hate us clear instead of stalling with our time the favourite vice of their conceited kind, where when pleasure gives birth to folly and time exposes shame like a picture perfect allegory by Agnolo Bronzino, bac' in the sixteenth century, they use every moment of it to re-write and further celebrate the miseries that define cultures of the poor. Here's a song: I don't know, I mean, is that a song or what? blew off some steam there, now that's just a spot for my favourite Marley tunes until I find something better to do with this page,..Yah,..I think that's what I'ma do, is poetry and music. Then of course i sas yonke le is more ya sighubhu selah se ke se ratang. As far as I'm concerned Selassie ke Jesu, It's leyana eyokuthi u Hoops ka tshon' e Khonsaltah , yi message e velah straight ku JAH Live O' philayo: a truth from the Living God. We do choose who we want to listen to don't we? Ha ha, that's the point, my thing is every real truth counts, for nothing other than the very fact that it is real. Yet, rather than feed their love for thriving from sporadic outbursts of our supressed realities, I will define an artistic vibe for this page. So eventually we're just gon' be all over some banging Southern African Trance S'ghubhu music, I've no time for it, That's where we're going with this. I'm pleased to meet you too. Don't sweat the small stuff, I only mention God cos' I love Him, otherwise, I'm really more about what it is He has given me to share with you how ever you may get it coming at you, it's a pure thing, More love and Peace to Israel, and more talents and blessing to the children and the youth, and More Thanks to The Most High for absolutely everything Always. Thanks to the wisdom of the living: "Never Give Up". Because this is their only true hope. But I can't let the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, O' Most High, Holy One Of Israel. For this reason we bare the indignation of the Lord for we have sinned, but we are gods, and children of the most High. I'm talking about all over a myspace page, just like this,. Don't belong with it though, lest you find precepts and doctrines to preach from my mouth piece, This is essentially a Long rant on a public internet page called I have a right to think and write about anything else. Ha ha!Such is a time where it all looks crazy the same way it does to know that the world is flat. until an arrival at the conscous that it is round the whole idea is rediculous like it used to be. There'll always be a time nurtured by the natural inevitable patterns of growth and development that will change those things that are to what used to be, and to plant the seed anywhee anyhow does not escape the realms of the possibilities threin. That's where confidence about the substance of things hoped for is born, about the evidence of things not seen. Irony: The state of being Iron
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My Interests

I love art, I have a passion for music and I love writing. I'm generally not into preaching religion, but yet I love God. I love animals, my favourite bird is a "dzwiri" sparrow. I was born on a mountain Qacha's Nek in Lesotho, grew up in Zimbabwe, and moved to America until further notice Tribally speaking I'm a minority in Zimbabwe and everywhere else so I'm thankful to God for my political insignificance. Here's one of my favourite pieces by Agnolo Bronzino, read the picture and get the point. Best expressed in the midst of a pure joint. Here's some space if you need to get spaced out first: Time is an easy vice that easily takes todays justice away from it's definitive truth. You aint gatta read into it that far though. That's just a sane spasm of my intuitive insanity inspired by itself. This below is just time exposing folly to shame after the seductivity of Venus on Cupid steals the arrow from his quiver Babylon style: Ha ha! I love art. I should take up painting,.. think?? I used to draw and paint when I was little, but stuff like that is a curse in my African culture: only God can bless any African indeginous beauty, otherwise gatta focus on your books. Not all minds are decolonised. So now I've got books in my head and I paint pictures to express what I get from them, the fantasy nonsense never sticks, I'm no genius so I identify with and would rather augment my own strengths, because there's an obvious agenda and motive in those inherited from other civilizations. I'd rather not fall for it. I will Stay Doing thabo. It's a God given identity, I don't see why not. My only purpose is to grow and develop just like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth it's fruit in due season. As far as the Bronzino painting below, it's a picture. I'm a poor critic. I'm only expressing from my first impression absorbed in the moment of this piece. Otherwise it's just a bunch of naked caucassian white people from Europe in the sixteenth century,.1540,..or what not, Butt naked, Early soft porn if you will, conservative times. Try to read it though, it's some interesting art. I also like Action Painting (Mordern American Art) Expressionism, African Cubism, Impressionism, all kinds of stuff, I like that Convergene piece by whatever American did it, It's more (to me) expressive of a mordern day thought pattern, an assimilation of ideas converging, best appreciated for their pursuit: unity : E Pluribus Anum. So I can't knock America for it's founding values, because Unity is an obvious inspiring cause, I'd be a foolish hater to not acknowledge it. I'm just a piece of the many expressing a pursuit beyond political boundaries so that I augment my true value outside parameters that are barely constructive, and cannot for thabo be represented by none other than thabo, enthusiastically (Babel Tower) from Greek En Theos which means God in man: essentially The Might Of The Trinity: Staydt: There go the pic: Please just love it: I Love Bronzino. Don't forget the parameters that apply as regards seductivity, Time, Folly and shame, because the picture seems to live when viewed in the context of its character and message. . Great Picture. (Roflmao) Naked People. Whole bunch of naked chicks on the internet. This page is evolving beautifully, my ribs are crackin'. I should probably check out some of them naked pages. I love women, but I doubt I'll ever be a fan of that naked cam shit, sorry,.Ha ha, too funny. For thabo it's more about music, art, writing and freedom. I must apologise for ever changing my style as this denies critics an angle with which to categorically disect and scrutinize my aproach, Don't even worry, I'm not good. I'll help you understand that, I'm only confident, and original. I attribute all goodness to God, much like His Christ, I'm just developing a web page, and having fun doing so. I went to a rural African school with no computers, so this is like a toy for me, I'm pretty sure these naked chicks can relate to toys,.(Roflmao) No offence, women are angels according to thabo. Don't get carried away, I'm an ordinary negro. Essentially what you want to do with this Southern African vibe is forget your troubles and dance. It works for me, I learned that from Bob Marley. One good thing about music, when it hits, you feel no pain. I mean, God bless Nesta. Music, and art and freedom, Dance, flow, and harmony, Peace Love, and livity. Yah. Life. I'm hoping to shake of the spies yet their welcome anyhow, I've not much to hide, I REALLY love art music and writing, God is alive and there are scriptures everywhere. Yet for Christs sake, I will not be ashamed to share my piece about HIM. Ha ha. Piece shared, here goes the music section. I can't believe this internet nonsense, but I'll mess with it. here's more music. Convergence: (below) Convergence (above)

I'd like to meet:

MORE PEOpLE. More music, more sghubhu, more art, more poetry, more reasons to keep on bringing more and more of the beauty inside us planted by the author of faith, etc, other wise, ha Mhaya ngiku bhula nge sas. Nanka more wona ama phoyem, Izinkondlo zase States,..O' Bakithi..O' People. Wisdom is judgement based on experience, common sense and available information ; the gift of Solomon, Our limited perspectives, our hopes and our fears become our measure of life and when circumstances cease to meet our ideas, they define our difficulty:the descriptive observer wisdom of Ben Jamin Franklin, That's when we cry, and right there God is listening, individual by individual, creature by creature. There will never be a point in preaching Him when we don't even want to acknowledge where He Lives: Inside us. From the plush- living to the stone-broke and poor. The ever green reed, to the pure thorn.It's a crazy world, and so for that reason I'm no misfit for my sane spasms of insanity, yet who wants to fit in anymore? I'm only a social deviant for accepting my truths beyond armchair criticism. They attempt to impose limiting perspective whose handicap is definition by conventional expectation void of the very Living experience that feeds their spectator urge to judge in the first place, Who said you set the standards?.. If you do what are they? They so caught up in selling everything, they're too intoxicated with it to be definitive about what they stand for any more. Don't say you weren't told, because I'm really not waiting to be listened to so don't take this for an argument because essentially all it is is a page on the web called, and this is it's direction: isighubhu esivelah ezighubhini zase zansi. Baby steps therapy, they will even try to kill it like it is a dream, thank God I'm African: I'm not reaching for fame, I can naturally touch you with my raw honesty and help you understand why you think you love me. Common place philosophy sees no virtue in assuming a claim to a neighbours' welfare without establishing my own at home, Just stay humble and understand that only God can truly judge us I usually leave where I'm not welcome, and they still want to follow me, and try to define about me what they think should better fit ideas inherited from a world where my common place barely plays a role beyond exploitability as a natural resource, a mind slaves to a machine, It's a crazy world, but this is a beautiful time any how. JAH lives. God is alive: JeHoVah, YHWH, Abba, Allah, The Creator. We're born with enough to grow and we take it from each other and ourselves for nothing other than our childish prejudices and other attitude handicaps that define our rediculous wars with ourselves and each other. The earnest expectation of the creature is the manifestation of the sons of God(Romans 8:19) . Ha Ha! And then we want the celebrity of Christ and so impose a significance we really don't have in preaching Him to the very sinners for whom he died, the Lost sheep of Isreal, the down trodden,.. Please just shut up, and I mean this in the best way ever I will do that myself right after this, because you don't know what you're talking about.(or just close your mouth, my euphemism skills are in abject poverty) We know God. Quit using us as leverage to soothe your overburdened conscience. Our thing to the opressor has always been a simple STOP IT!!Aaa-aaa-aaa-aaah Rebel mu'-sic, nurtued in the desolate bread-finding places that taught King David pure exorcism with a harp. There's yet in truth no rebel writing except that defined by such an eye reading this with awe at the One AweFul Edge where the other awesome edge to this sword-word just won't let plotted and imposed adversity or otherwise define my thought pattern. I'm dumber than that and that's smarter than all of it. Who wants to belong with common tears, when common truth with even our common peers knows of a place outside common circles where common miseries are traded and celebrated sold back to the common folk in common shares, so that the common show is a reflection of our common cry. Common dread writes Psalms from the common books that the common read and so now common sense is like our lowest common denominator, the place where unfolds the mistery of Love, our common truth, a common way in common life: God.Thanks for reading this far. I will always love You friend or foe. God is love and Forgiveness is His covenant that allows us a Right to liberty in Jesus name. It's just that simple. It is Just.Remember: '---there are no remainders in the mathematics of infinity---'. Otherwise, Yah this page is more about the art and the music, I couldn't leave God out, cos' that's my pops, remember? Aint nothing like the word. Akula lutho olu dlula Isas. Nothing but umboko wayo mtshokotsho, heading right there where I'm taking you with this page. Don't worry, I'll never be about the primitive conflicts with which they try to define our wars, especially not racism, this ism nor that ism. It's funny now it's gatta be taught all over again, cos' they're tired of pretending they love us. It's exposing too much. Now they're children are ashamed of them, cos' they don't understand why they shouldn't love us. I gatta stop. I'm not the one to bring it to you. I'm more about banging seriously blasting Southern African S'ghubhu. Ras Tafari Speaks: the colour of a man's skin is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes. Wake up goofies!! I'm sorry, I just aint got time for it.Don't get me wrong, I'm not blind to the compound strength of our collective folly, I'd just rather be original, that's all I'm saying. I'ma stay doing nothing but thabo. Thats' what you're lookin' at. Nuff said. God bless you and your family. Angila s'khathi, liya hlanya. You're crazy. Aught to be ashamed. But don't be though, they've got priscription drugs to hide all of that. Get a shrink. I'd rather catch a fire and read Chronicles and Kings. GURU


is a good thing Music is a beautiful thing. Music sings, Music gets poetic,.Music talks, Music heals, and sometimes music cries, some songs are in pain, some shit sounds like the devil screaming and banging on agony and dread, expressing waning causes of the dead, hoping for a place in our flesh, as this time speaks of a cry so deep and grave it's gravity goes deeper than the graves of those who were slain clinging to their humility from the foundation of the world, Matyrs and demons with a lost cause; finding Love with lost souls stressing we dread; living with lessons from dead living; but the I most high stay blessing we dread; cos' God don't stop blessin the dead that live for the healing of nations; in this season for the reasons established in the word for His universal purpose in all Creation for all Creatures: Growth and Development; a God given Right Incorruptible written in Scripture and spoken by the word of Truth Everywhere. Faithful and True Eternally. To escape the second death by the first resurrection in this season of change is a consciousness and reality they'd rather use to define insanity, in order to perpetuate vanity, but now the grapes are ripe, and it is written that in the days of the Seventh angel, His voice, when He shall begin to sound, The mystery Of God Will Be Finished,Here's a tune that goes with : "Zuva ra ndayenda kuchiwherekwere, mayi boi vayenda ku mhunda, sadza raka mhanya se mu dududu,..Torayi ma badza mu chirimai"--sung by my homeboy Sabhuku Ku Dala Khona Ngale: Pure Mbira:I want you to observe how the vibe dictates a changing pace as soon as the niche of substance finds itself in the purpose of this piece. This is precisely where we feed the urge to dance. Modern Mbira music can be found banging in serious sound systems with respectable watts, what you really wana do is turn the bass up to a level strong enough to sustain you to a reasonable sweat, and then come back for more, and we can take it from there with contemporary s'ghubhu, mayi babo! (Roflmao) I should get into sales,.Yah, I think what I'ma do is sell music,. It Was Finished when He made it to It is Done, Find out one by one, All I have is another Bong' (thanks) to give to The Most High. Blessed is He that Reads The Revelation Of Christ to St John The Divine Disciple Of Truth: Isaiah. Ha ha!Nansi Isighubhu: . Bong' Bong Bong' inkosi! Bong bong bong' inkosi! Zulu & Ndebele: for Thank thank thank the king! thank thank thank the Lord! Ever Faithful bongs.


I'm thru writing, I think I should take up painting. In the mean time: More bongs to the Most High. Inkosi kayi bong'we Let God be Thanked. One thing I love you for Heavenly Father is the move you pulled on Babel Tower with our tounge skills,. More bongs to that! Bong Bong Bong' inkosi Bong bong bong' inkosi. Attention, that's all it is, I gatta shake it off and let the point to this whole page marinade at your own propensity, Kinesthetic audio visual learner, This this and that so I'll celebrate any of my Creativity as enough in Common with my Creator for a living cause as the Creature that I am.


Who cares about television? here's more sghubhu: I think I'ma do two for the television spot, and two for the poetry,Yah,good idea,nansi more sona esase zansi: It's pretty much where we're headed with this page. Forgive my neo-self-sabotage style, I'm always an amateur, I'm only driven by my love for what I do. Is' Ghu Bhu Se Nkosi: The Kings Container.


Books? The Holy bible by jeHOVah: Psalm 68:4.... Here's Lauryn Hill; The Queen Of The World, The Mother Of Hip Hop Invention, I don't care, to us Fugees fans, you're the greatest forever. Here's my support, sincerely: a song and a poem: I can't get rid of "Motives and Thoughts", Last time I did itI had withdrwal symptoms,.. So I'll throw a song under it:Zulu Boy; Hail to the King: Then that passes for a myspace page, I like how childish I can get, As far as I know it is for that reason that I am a God. Is cos' we're children of the Most High. That did it for me, Psalm eighty two verse six, gatta love The Root Of David.


The Christ of God: Jesus Of NaZaReTh KING OF KINGS LORD OF LORDS LION OF JUDA, ELECT OF GOD One Love: Ras TaFaRi SeLaSSie I.To God I'm only thankful for everything, for this is the will of God in Christ concerning thabo Mahopolo. No matter what I say, and how I may seem to come off ,it's always only a "thing" a portion of the very "every" for which to have gratitude and so I will always love Him. I only threw my piece about HIM, cos' it's like a mystery to them why we love Ras TaFaRi. My reason is simple. Because he is KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS. God bless The Might Of His Holy Trinity.

My Blog

Message from Above

The One Message from above Is the enduring message of His Love,. The Path that His way has paved,. And the testimony of those that he has saved,. The memory of all that time has witnessed under the su...
Posted by thabo on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 05:10:00 PST


Memories of Joy help endure the pain because memories are hope,. And so it is when I remember how to smile that I've conquered my frowns that I cope,. in the multitude of my thoughts within me the Lo...
Posted by thabo on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 01:39:00 PST

In the land of the free

In the Land of the Free, In the Land where I Be in the land where I see what it is before me With the mind of the free, with the mind that I be With the mind that I see what it is before me In the hom...
Posted by thabo on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 12:20:00 PST

I Looked Down and Seen.

I Looked Down and Seen Brown soil And I thought about Begining,. I thought about Roots and I thought about fruit. I Looked down and seen my own feet on the ground, the begining of hope  to carry ...
Posted by thabo on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 02:17:00 PST