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I began as a saxophone player. Now I'm playing the bass for several years. Dissignator, my first band played only cover songs. Soon I started my own band, called Redrum. Redrum, a funkrockband which played strange funky stuff, influenced by heroes like Les Claypool, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Frank Zappa and others. A year and a half ago Redrum quit playing.
Phoenix Red a rock band from Breda, is my new band. In january 2007 we fininshed our first EP.
Besides Phoenix Red, I'm playing the bass in the theatrical rockband Mayor Myx. Mayor Myx is a combination of great guitar playing and asthonising visuals.
I am also working on a new project. The last few years i composed a lot of crazy bassgrooves which i want to use in a bandformation. I am curious what the music will be like.
This site only contains my own improvisations, i hope you will like it. Let me know!
My stuff: Warwick Thumb(4), Fender Jazz'(4) and a fretless Dean Pace Bass(4). Amp: Markbass litlle Mark, line 6 basspod xt, GK 200MB.
Have fun listening!
Phoenix Red on SellaBand
MaYor MYx on SellaBand
My Interests
Member Since: 1/11/2007
Band Website:
Influences: Les Claypool, Jaco Pastorius, Flea, Victor Bailey, Janos Egri and much more
Sounds Like: Rock, funk and fusion
Type of Label: None
My Blog
voorprogramma Ellen ten Damme
17 januari zal Phoenix Red in het voorprogramma van Ellen ten Damme in TheMezz spelen. Zorg dat je erbij bent, want dit gaat rocken.
Mzzl, Posted by BassRut on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 01:47:00 PST
Mayor Myx
12 maart Mayor Myx in The Mezz. De kaarten vliegen de deur uit dus mocht je erbij willen zijn laat dit snel weten.Dat dit iets bijzonders gaat worden dat is zeker.
... Posted by BassRut on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 01:48:00 PST