Pavement profile picture


90's indie rock

About Me

Pavement formed in 1989 in Stockton, CA. And just as Matador said..."Theres not much point in writing a real Pavement bio. Either you know the story or you believe what you read in Melody Maker, it makes no difference to us."
Oh, if you DO want learn a little about Pavement...there's some stuff here:
There's also a book about them the book titled Perfect Sound Forever: The Story of Pavement.
You may order the book off
For all of you who do not know, Pavement broke up in 1999. Also, Stephen Malkmus has gone solo, and he still rocks, he REFUSES to settle down. Spiral joined a band called Preston School of Industry (PSOI). However, PSOI has not created anything recently.
This myspace site allows using request a song! To request a song follow these steps:
- Send a message to me
- In the message put down some songs you want on the site
- Then send the message
- The songs MUST be Pavment songs.
Your request will most likely be put up on the site,and if they are not. No worries, they will be put up eventually.

My Interests


Member Since: 4/30/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Stephen Malkmus
Steve West
Spiral Stairs (Scott Kannberg)
Mark Ibold
Bob Nastanovich

A previous member was Gary Young

Sounds Like:
Record Label: Matador
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

I Don't Know

I havn't posted a random blog in quite the while, so i thought...well why not now?!I'm getting tired of the human race a lot.It's not the politics or evironmental shit either. Honestly, really only wh...
Posted by Pavement on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 12:26:00 PST

Tetris is my anti-drug

Okay, guys, this is going to sound really lame of me, but I BEAT MY TETRIS HIGH SCORE! Yeah, so I played Tetris last night from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. because I have nothing better to do than to sit on my ...
Posted by Pavement on Wed, 17 Aug 2005 08:33:00 PST


TODAY I HAVE FIGURED OUT WHAT THAT SONG "LUMP," BY THE PRESIDENTS OF THE USA, IS ACTUALLY ABOUT. Are you ready for this? The song is about the guy's sexual organ! His penis! Wow! So, the song "p...
Posted by Pavement on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I took a suggestion

Okay, so, about a week ago I was walking down the street, and I see this business guy in the suit and all, so I said to him, "hey! how are you?!" The guy said back to me, "YEAH, YOU?!"    ...
Posted by Pavement on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST