I'd like to meet:
i'm pretty content with the folks i frequent now (lot of mugs i miss), but if i'm making new friends i'd say John Cleese('63-83), JackNicholson, Zach Braff, Bill Murray, PerryCox, BillMaher, John Cusack('84-00), ChevyChase('78-90), on that note--TyWebb, IanMcShane, BradDourif, Jeff Goldbloom, Robert Downey Jr, Kevin Smith, Zach Galifianakis, Paul Newman (before '90), JakeGyllenhaal, JonStewart, & FrankCaliendo. ___________________________________________________________O n the softer side.. Zooey Deschanel, Sarah Silverman, Nora Zehetner, Jennifer Connelly, Shannon Sossamon, Natalie Portman, run-Franka Potente-run, Milla Jovovich, Helena Bonham Carter, Minnie Driver('95-98), JeanLouisaKelly, Bridget Moynahan, & Meg Ryan('87-94).
rxBandits.Alexisonfire.cursive glassjaw.alkalineTrio.C&C thrice. Thursday. Deftones oldSaosin. Atreyu. circa. theGoodLife. 30Secs. cky. oldUsed. hopesfall. muse. BedlightForBlueEyes. mcr oldFinch. BleedingThrough. EverytimeIDie. theCure Godspeed!YouBlackEmperor theDecemberists.MarsVolta. thePostalService.GrettaCohn LeftLaneCruiser.JohnnyCash AppleseedCast DavidGray. ShayVeno. ChristyMoore. RobertJohnson.MilesDavis. dmb. LedZeppelin. TheClareVoyants. VanMorrison and last but not least, eternally, blackDiaryDays inspired by Godspeed!YouBlackEmperor's "Dead Flag Blues" rxBandits "And the Battle Begun" rxBandits "In Her Drawer" This Guy is Hilarious.
KissKissBangBang. FightClub. TheDeparted.BoondockSaints 28Days/WeeksLater. 300 ShaunOfTheDead. HotFuzz JoeVsTheVolcano. Beerfest Snatch. TrueRomance. Brick Pirates1-3. CasinoRoyale TheBourneIDTY/SPRCY/ULTM. House of 1000 Corpses TheDevil's Rejects. AeonFlux. GrossePointBlank. Braveheart GroundhogDay. GardenState. SuperTroopers Stranger Than Fiction DonnieDarko.TheLastSamurai Batman(org & beg).x-men1-3 NightmareBefore.CorpseBride Sideways. Rushmore. No.23 TheRoyalTenenbaums. Underworld,2. YoungGuns,2
Deadwood. Scrubs. nip/tuck FawltyTowers. Seinfeld. Carnivale. DangerMouse. Tom&Jerry. Cheers Smallville. SetantaTV. DirtyJobs. CSIvegasa bit of Fawlty TowersDanger Mouse
(only meant for those who have any clue as to what i'm talking about) -Marvel comic books prior to the writers convincing themselves it made any FUCKing sense for Wolverine to have bone claws (leaving me seething & embittered).
the members of Godspeed!You Black Emperor.