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I am here for Friends

About Me

My full name is Kirsten, my friends call me Krizzie.
One of my best Myspace Friend "The Tigger" gave me that nickname.
I'm a mother of two wonderful boys and a sweet little girl. My sons, Christian and Gabriel are 13 and 5 years old. My daughter Leonie is 7.
Leonie is watching over us every minute and second from heaven and when she is around us. She died unfortunately before her life really could start. But we all know she is with us. We can hear her laughter sometimes and feel her near. My boys are fantastic even the little one can be a devil or monster sometimes... and then - not a little monster *smirk* But I love them all with all my heart.
And last but not least - no... very special for me is another person - another human beeing which I miss so much. Miss him more than I ever could express with words. My beloved daddy. Also he is gone to heaven in 2004. Seems to me it was yesterday when he's gone and I cry so often cause the lost of him hurts so deep inside of me. But I know at least he is around me and my kids every single minute. I suppose together with my sweet little Leonie. My dad was my first big love and that he will always be. He was the most attractive man in my life and also that he will always be to me.
Dad I love you 4 ever - Leonie we love you too and we always think of you both. ****Love****
Papa can you hear me?
Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Love all my Myspace friends!



My Blog

To all - pls read - very important.. help to save a life

Hey folks, please visit the following profil. Read her story, sign the petition and save the life of delara. Your help is very important. Maybe you could add this p...
Posted by Krizzie on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 03:26:00 PST