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Envoyé par abibi dans Animation & BD sur bbpantone for Louie Austen
Ajouter à mon profil | Plus de Vidéos+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++Who am I?Those who are getting to know me always say “ you're a born natural”. I began drawing and making collages while listening to music, all sorts of music : classical, rock and roll, punk, world music, you name it. At the time I drew clothing for children, women, men and then, by chance, one day I found myself in front of an old U-matic editing table – the dinosaur of all editing tables. Since I also love cooking, I ended up entertaining film crews, looking for healthy yet exotic food, while continuing my editing activities on various different subjects. My husband trained me to become a graphic designer. Somehow it seems that I also had something to communicate in this field of activity … And then one day editing became possible with the computer, so I followed that path and my career moved on to computer graphics. I sat through a lot of training courses, and when I learned all about 3D, it was sheer torture. I pursued, but 3D and I don't really make a pair, so I went on to editing and special effects and I said goodbye to … this damn 3D nowadays, I'm still working on my collages, I film a lot for content and take lots of pictures when I travel, which is often. My ambition is to design your living room walls with my animated images, customizing your space after your own image.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++Qui suis-je ?Ceux qui apprennent à me connaître me disent « tu es tombée dedans quand tu étais petite ? »… sans doute.Tout en écoutant de la musique classique, du rock, du punk, de la musique du monde, bref de tout, j’ai démarré par le dessin et le collage. Dessin de mode pour enfants, pour hommes et femmes…puis le hasard de la vie a fait que je me suis retrouvée devant un banc U-matic…le dinosaure des tables de montage. J’aime cuisiner, alors j’ai reçu chez moi des gens du cinéma, en quête d’une nourriture saine et exotique , tout en continuant le montage de sujets très variés. Mon mari m’a formé au métier de graphiste. Apparemment j’avais quelque chose à exprimer là aussi. Et puis le montage allait bientôt se pratiquer depuis un ordinateur. J’ai donc poursuivi dans ce chemin. Là ma carrière a évolué vers l’infographie. Je suivais des stages dans ce domaine. J’ai souffert lors de ma formation en 3D. j’ai persisté mais la 3D et moi c’est pas ça…j’ai poursuivi dans le montage et les effets spéciaux, et je laissais ..é cette fichue 3D…aujourd’hui je continue le collage, je filme beaucoup pour avoir de la matière, je photographie au cours de mes fréquents voyages, et mon rêve, habiller les murs de votre salon de mes images animées. Décorer votre espace à votre image…++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++I'm sorry friend Gunnar

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SKILLSAfter studying psychology at the University of Nanterre, Paris, studying Art school at Ecole du Louvre. Computer graphics artist - Art director - Multimedia designer - Visual designer - Film editorPainter & Collage artist since 1989. Working closely with clients to create vision, conceive. Motivate, working alone or coordinating freelance designers and technicians. Expertly convert features to benefits to achieve client objectives. Creating design theme and graphics for marketing and sales presentations, training videos. Passionate about drawing trend fashion, or music, Brigitte found new creative horizons in electronic culture, trying to become a VJay. She's continuously researching into art and new media. Brigitte creates movies with multimedia installations, video, graphics, photography with music.


Mozart, Debussy, Pink Floyd , Deep Purple , Ten Years After , Van Der Graaf Generator , Jethro Tull , King Crinsom ---- James Brown , Wilson Pickett , Aretha Franklyn , Rufus Thomas , Etta James , Joe Tex , Arthur Conley ,Johnny Taylor ---- Kool & the Gang , Mass Productions , MFSB , Player Association , Fatback Band , Stargard , Bohannon ---- Kraftwerk , Edgar Froese , Mike Oldfield , Tangerine Dream , Kowalski , Throbbing Gristle , Klaus Schulze , Manuel Gottsching , Logic System , Yellow Magic Orchestra---- Weather Report,Brian Eno, Arlo Guthrie,The Pogues, New Order


tous les films de Woody Allen et John Cassavetes


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My Blog

new visual design on my mainpage named BBPANTONE FOR LOUIE AUSTEN - Enjoy

new visual design on my mainpage named BBPANTONE FOR LOUIE AUSTEN - /// - Enjoy - /// -
Posted by brigitte on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 10:40:00 PST

new mesmerizing visuals on my main page - enjoy

New visual design named SEND ME A POSTCARD - - online for you on my mainpage - - New Pics just for friends - - mesmerizing images - - enjoy - -
Posted by brigitte on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 01:37:00 PST

SEND ME A POSTCARD //-// Visual Design

Visual design on my main page -//- named SEND ME A POSTCARD -//- enjoy Brigitte
Posted by brigitte on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 02:53:00 PST

kite surf : visual design

Hi vous,voilà le lien vers une nouvelle vidéo. elle est plus jolie chez moi. ou sur votre futur DVD...désolée individual&videoid=18923647paste it in your ...
Posted by brigitte on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 01:39:00 PST