Kelsey the Great profile picture

Kelsey the Great

Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories

About Me

"Kelsey, is a guy who will tell the truth even if it is offensive or crude. He will make you laugh with his brutal honesty and you never know really how far Kelsey would go. He doesn't make excuses for who he is or what he does he just does his own thing. He loves music. He is a great friend, brother and son and would geniunely do anything for people he cares about...........And he likes movies" - Tracy.
I have a lovely family & wonderful friends. I am 1/32 native american so once a month I get drunk & bitch at white people for taking my land. Sometimes I sell cigars & let my friends gamble in my house. Im also irish, which means I drink heavier than I do when im feeling indian.
Feel free to AIM me @ kelsey2020 or yahoo IM me @ kelsey_the_great_malone. And no trying to have cyber sex with me. I refuse! That is unless you take me to cyber dinner first

My Interests

travelling, music, friends, family, discovery(not the channel), laughing, loving, dancing in the shower every morning while listening to my waterproof cd player, etc.

I'd like to meet:

Myself in 10 years. Oh thats right I'll be dead in a gutter. Ok then I would like to meet myself in 2 years. Thats safe.
Also, people willing star with me on the beloved reality TV show "Survivor”, which I am currently working on. It’s called "Survivor - Streets of LA". Instead of roughing it in on some beautiful deserted island, your challenge is to survive on the mean streets of Los Angeles. You have to dress in hobo attire & live off of panhandling. Another rule is that you must always have a 40 oz of malt liquor in hand. After a week the survivors count the $ they have made off of the streets & whoever has the most $ is declared the sole survivor.

Meet Bumba
Bumba at an LA Club passed out on a couch after a wonderful dance performance. & yes he is honestly trying to sleepDanny passed out at the pool & no thats not water he is lying in

Love Street


!!!, AFI, Air, Steve Aoki, Arcade Fire, The Beatles, Benny Benassi, Berlin, Bjork, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Blonde Redhead, Blur, The Bravery, Brazilian Girls, Broken Social Scene, Can't Trace Matrone, Chromeo, CKY, Crystal Castles, CSS, The Cure, Daft Punk, The Darkness, David Bowie, Death from Above 1979, Depeche Mode, The Doors, Dr. Dre, Eazy-E, The Faint, Felix-Da-Housecat, Flosstradamus, Girl Talk, Har Mar Superstar, HIM, Hot Chip, Innaway, Interpol, Jimi Hendrix, Joy Division, Johnny Cash, Justice, LCD Soundsystem, Led Zeppelin, Mae, Mars Volta, Metallica(early), Michael Jackson, Mickey Avalon, Mika, Minus The Bear, Modest Mouse, Mogwai, Morrissey, MSTRKRFT, Murder City Devils, Muse, New Young Pony Club, Nirvana, NWA, Of Montreal, Oingo Boingo, Paul van Dyk, Peaches, Peter Bjorn & John, Pink Floyd, The Pixies, Prince, The Promise Ring, Radiohead, The Rapture, Ratatat, Mike Relm, The Rentals, Rolling Stones, The Roots, She wants Revenge, The Shins, Elliot Smith, Squeak E Clean, The Strokes, Teddybears, Tokyo Police Club, Vigo & The Carpathians, Weezer, The White Stripes, Yeah Yeah Yeahs,& Q Lazzarus "GoodBye Horses". The last song is from Silence of the Lambs, when Buffalo Bill dances and sticks his penis between his legs. Download it, its brilliant.

After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.

All of my purple life


The Salton Sea, Fight Club, Dumb & Dumber, Cable Guy, Me Myself & Irene, Eternal Sunshine, The Last Samurai, Made, Welcome to the Dollhouse, The Big Lebowski, Tombstone, The Jacket, Momento, The Usual Suspects, A Clockwork Orange, Weird Science, American Psycho, Fools Rush In, Donnie Darko, Edward Scissorhands, Rushmore, The Squid And The Whale, Conspiracy Theory, Batman, Pulp Fiction, Zoolander, Boogie Nights, & of course,

Silence of the Lambs "It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again"
Cool Hand Luke
"Sometimes nuthin, can be a real cool hand"


TV makes eyes bleed & turtles die. Dont watch too much TV but I enjoy Heroes, Lost & CSI. I truly believe we should all throw away our televisions & start watching the WORLD


I read peoples minds, Slaughterhouse 5, God Bless you Dr. Kevorkian, On the Road, Journey to the End of the Night, Cats Cradle, The Metamorphasis, The Lords & The New Creatures, Wilderness(cause I'm a fuckin dirty hippy), Pragmatism, The Marraige of Heaven & Hell, Andy Kaufman Revealed, The Birth of Tragedy, The Genealogy of Morals, The Old Man & The Sea, Notes From the Underground, The Fountainhead, Any & every Bonsai book,

