Myspace Blog
I'am from sardinia, Italy, i'am just an average looking guy with a great passion for RPG and bass guitar. I started both my two greatest passions when i was about 13yo so know i have 13 years of "experience" behind =D i love to meet my friends and having good time together while using some videogames and drinking tea together or who knows.. going around with my car!!
i love sunbathing and staying in the country areas around my city. I love reading and talking, i'am quite a chatter.. even too much..
I have a deep passion for ancient history and mithology. i strongly believe in an ancient past of glory and majesty that ended.. from there one unique religion broken into several cults.. from one great culture we discend and we will return again.
Versione Italiana:
Vengo dalla sardegna, in particolare dalla zona sud occidentale. Suono il basso e navigo nel mondo degli Rpg da circa 13 anni. Studio Ing. Elettronica a Cagliari e lavoro come traduttore e autore RPG part-time per una casa editrice italiana. Sono e resto un ragazzo nella media, mi piace uscire con amici e magari passare una serata tutti assieme bevendo qualcosa e parlando del più e del meno! quando ho tempo mi piace farmi una partita a qualche videogame in buona compagnia. Adoro il chinotto e bere il the :D
Mi apassiona la storia antica, le religioni e l'antropologia. Leggo abbastanza, ascolto musica di molti generi diversi e adoro guardare film. Sono una persona espansiva e parlo anche troppo se in buona compagnia!!
IMPORTANT Some things i wish everybody to know about me so we can avoid misunderstandings.
1) I don't consider myself a "number" and neither i consider you "just a number" so.. i'am not into a race to have more friends than others. Avoid asking me to be added if you're not really interested in knowing me or at least writing a message sometimes..
2) Life its short, i want to live it fully so time must be used carefully.. i love to know people and learn from them but i don't want to waste time writing to people that ignore me. I understand that you may be busy and that some of you (expecially models) receive a lot of messages but as in point 1) i don't consider ONE AMONG THE OTHERS.. if i write to you a lot of messages and you NEVER reply to me.. then don't take offense if i remove you from friend list.
3) Regarding bulletins, there is a limit to everything.. i don't like to receive tons of them every day from everyone!! this will carry me to a very unpolite thing, removing you from friend list and using messages to talk to you.
4) If i ask you to be added its because i have found something in your profile that interest me. If its not the same for you don't add me!! really!! i don't take offense for such a thing, adding a person its just a begin of something and if you know for sure that there will be no such begin (cause you don't like or you're too busy) then don't add me.
5) I don't add musical bands anymore, really. If you want an opinion about your songs, write to me and ask, i will listen and reply with a message. There is no need to add, i don't like spam and just to talk there are messages.
6) ask before writing me comments with videos on it, i will delete them, rather leave the link to the video =D this is more polite and still funny.
7) don't leave a comment just to advertize something, i'am not a wall where to leave a sign but a person. Don't try to use me just to have more "visibility" over the mass.. i'am not your tool.
9) I delete people who don't bother to write or reply to messages.
I hope this will not offend anyone, my friend lists is growing very much but i can count on finger hands the number of people with whom i'am talking, they are those on the top friend lists and the guys that leaved me a comment. I hope to know better a lot of people i have added in the past.. i'am very happy to have new friends but only people really interested =D
Sono troppo pigro per scrivere anche in italiano tutto quello che ho già scritto in inglese.. siccome non tutti gli italiani vanno tanto d'accordo con le altre lingue allora metto pure una versione "breve" in italiano =)
Non mi ritengo un "numero" ma una persona, non voglio quindi amici solo per far vedere che ne ho tantissimi.. queste gare non mi interessano. Se vedo che con una persona non c'è dialogo o qualche interesse in comune la rimuovo dalla lista, non accetto richieste di gruppi musicali solo per ricevere pubblicità o simili.. se volete un parere sulle vostre canzoni chiedete e sarò felice di sentire la vostra musica e dirvi in modo costruttivo cosa ne penso =)
non accetto commenti al solo scopo di pubblicizzare eventi, concerti o altro a meno che non mi stiano veramente a cuore.
Sono aperto al dialogo, al confronto e alle discussioni ma solo in maniera educata =D
Non accettate le mie richieste d'amicizia se pensate di non essere interessati a scambiare una chiaccherata ogni tanto XD
Spero che queste cose che ho scritto non vi offendano ma preferisco evitare fraintendimenti!!!